Year 13 history seminar series

In 2010 and 2011 The Ministry for Culture and Heritage and the Wellington Area History Teachers' Association organised a series of seminars aimed at Year 13 History NCEA 3 and Scholarship students. Each seminar was held at 4-5pm at the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, 155 The Terrace, Radio New Zealand House, Wellington. All NCEA 3 history students and teachers were welcome. After each seminar was presented we added any related resources to this page.


How to attack scholarship questions
Tuesday 7th September 2010
Gregor Fountain - Deputy Principal, Wellington College

No honour among thieves -The Maungatapu murders, 1866
Tuesday 14th September 2010
Steve Watters - Historian, Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Governors and Premiers of New Zealand
Tuesday 21st September 2010
Gavin McLean - Senior Historian, Ministry for Culture and Heritage

The paintings of the colonists
Tuesday 12th October 2010
Roger Doig - HOD Social Sciences, IB Co-ordinator, Scots College

Shame and scandal — women criminals in the late 19th Century 
Tuesday 19th October 2010
Bronwyn Dalley - Chief Historian, Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Tasman, maps and myths: ways of looking at 19th Century NZ
Tuesday 26th October 2010
Sarah Dalton - Advisory Officer, PPTA

The peaceful conquest — the Vogel era
Tuesday 2nd November 2010
Neill Atkinson - Senior Historian, Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Drinking and voting: democratic rights or colonial ills?
Tuesday 9th November 2010
Charlotte MacDonald  - Professor, Victoria University of Wellington

An overview of NZ 1800-1900
Tuesday 16th November 2010
Steve Watters - Historian, Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Gregor Fountain - Deputy Principal, Wellington College


Note that some of the seminars in this series are the same as in 2010.

Overview – NZ in the 19th century
Steve Watters (Historian, Manatu Taonga, Ministry for Culture and
Thursday, 11th August

The Church and the Crown: one and the same? Seeing the past
through a nineteenth century tribal lens
Monty Soutar (Project Manager 28th Maori Battalion website project,
Manatu Taonga, Ministry for Culture and Heritage)
Thursday, 18th August

The peaceful conquest - the Vogel era
Neill Atkinson (Chief Historian, Manatu Taonga, Ministry for Culture
and Heritage)
Thursday, 25th August

Don’t Mention the (Taranaki) War
Peter Adds (Victoria University of Wellington)
Thursday, 1st September

Governors and Premiers of the 19th century
Gavin McLean (Senior Historian, Manatu Taonga, Ministry for Culture
and Heritage)
Thursday, 8th September

Gender in Nineteenth Century New Zealand
Charlotte MacDonald (Victoria University of Wellington)
Thursday, 15th September

Preparing for your history exams workshop – advice and strategies
Alice Wards (HOD social sciences, Wellington East Girls College)
Thursday, 22 September

How to cite this page

'Year 13 history seminar series', URL:, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 4-Aug-2014

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