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The House
> Media Gallery
The House - New Zealand's House of Representatives 1854-2004
The House
Quick history
Staff and Spectators
Places and spaces
First sitting, 1854
Parliament in te reo
Westminster traditions
Bad language
Useful terms
Image and Media Gallery
View all images, sound, and films in this feature
Image and Media Gallery
All images, sound, films and panoramas found in this feature.
Panoramas in this feature
Debating chamber
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Parliament grounds from the front
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Legislative Council Chamber
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Speaker's office
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Ayes lobby
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Pacific Room
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Visitor centre
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Debating chamber galleries
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Parliament from the Beehive
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Parliamentary Library reading room
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Maori Affairs Committee Room
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Beehive reception hall
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Requires QuickTime
Grand Hall
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Parliamentary Library entrance
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Parliamentary Library foyer
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Former Maori Affairs Committee Room
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International Documents Room
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Seddon statue
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Steps of Parliament
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Parliament foyer
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Parliamentary Library corridor
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Films in this feature
Film Clip: The Division Bells
Film Clip: The 1984 Snap Election
Film Clip: Hansard Reporters
Film Clip: Anti Vietnam War Protest
Sound in this feature
Sound Clip: Parliament Opens With A Prayer
Sound Clip: The 'Suicide Squad'
Sound Clip: To The Opposition Whip
Sound Clip: Members and Staff
Sound Clip: 'The Game of Politics'
Sound Clip: Social Life in Parliament
Sound Clip: Parliamentary Humour
Sound Clip: Rocky Trips
Sound Clip: The 'Parliamentary Special'
Sound Clip: The 'Suicide Squad'
Sound Clip: The Clerk of the House
Sound Clip: 'In the Ladies Gallery'
Sound Clip: 'The Gallery Boys'
Sound Clip: 'Breach of Privilege'
Sound Clip: Radio Broadcasting
Sound Clip: Parliament Buildings in the 19th Century
Sound Clip: 'The Alarm'
Sound Clip: The Lobby
Sound Clip: Working in the House
Sound Clip: The 1907 Fire
Sound Clip: A Day in our First Parliament
Sound Clip: Te Reo in the House
Images in this feature
Richard Seddon
The Governor Opening Parliament
Edward Jerningham Wakefield
Charles Clifford
Elizabeth McCombs
Playing Pool
Apirana Ngata
Parliamentary Car
Mete Kingi Paetahi
James Carroll
John McLachlan
Mud Bound
Edward Mayne
The 'Black Rod'
The Press Gallery
Francis Campbell
Television Broadcasting
Parliamentary Precinct 1928
Parliamentary Precinct Today
The Original Parliament Buildings
Early Auckland
Early Parliament Buildings
The Provincial Council Chambers
The View from Sydney Street
Growing Like Topsy
Old Government House
John Campbell's Design for Parliament Buildings
Whipped up in a Flash
Working in the House
Old Parliament Buildings
Thomas Turnbull's Design
John Campbell's Redesign
The 1992 Fire
Queen Victoria Memorial Service
Anzac Day, 1927
Michael Savage Funeral
1930s Protest
1960s Protest
Security Intelligence Bill Protests
Royal Visit
the Speaker's Chair
The Parliamentary Librarian
Piccolo Charley
Auckland Parliament, 1859
Auckland, 1853
Maori Language Hansard
Westminster Traditions
Edward Jerningham Wakefield
Parliament in Postcards
Parliament in Postcards
Parliament in Postcards
Parliament in Postcards
Parliament in Postcards
Parliament in Cartoons
Parliament in Cartoons
Parliament in Cartoons
Parliament in Cartoons
Parliament in Cartoons
Parliament in Cartoons
Parliament in Cartoons
Parliament in Cartoons
Parliament in Cartoons
Parliament in Cartoons
Parliament in Cartoons