Māori Language Week

Page 5 – 1000 Māori place names

For each Māori place name in the table below we’ve provided a translation of its component parts and its overall meaning.

Components of place names; pronunciation guide

Audio recordings of some common components of place names to aid pronunciation:

  • Au current
  • Awa river
  • Iti small, little
  • Kai  food
  • Mānia plain
  • Manga stream
  • Maunga mountain
  • Moana sea, or large inland ‘sea’, e.g., Taupō
  • Motu island
  • Nui large, big
  • Ō or o means ‘of’ (so does a, ā); many names begin with Ō, meaning the place of so-and-so, e.g., Ōkahukura, Ōkiwi, Ōhau
  • One sand, earth
  • Pae ridge, range
  • Papa flat
  • Poto short
  • Puke hill
  • Roa long
  • Roto lake; inside
  • Tai coast, tide
  • Wai water
  • Whanga harbour, bay

We also recommend Hugh Young’s oral dictionary of Māori place names, Ngā Ingoa o Aotearoa. Audio of some of these places can be found on our Māori word a day page.

1000 Māori place names

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Place name



Ahuroa ahu: mound; roa: long Long mound
Aoroa ao: cloud; roa: long Long cloud
Aotearoa ao: cloud; tea: white; roa: long Land of the long white cloud
Aramoana ara: path; moana: sea Sea pathway
Aranui ara: path; nui: great Great pathway
Arapae ara: path; pae: ridgeway Pathway along the ridge
Arapito ara: path; pito: end or extremity End of the path
Arapōhue ara: path; pōhue: climbing plant Path of the climbing plant
Arapuni ara: path; puni: blocked or covered Blocked path
Ararātā ara: path; rātā: native tree Rātā tree path
Ararimu ara: path; rimu: native tree Rimu tree path
Ararua ara: path; rua: two Two paths
Arataha ara: path; taha: side Side path
Aratapu ara: path; tapu: sacred or restricted Sacred path
Aratiatia Lakes, Aratiatia Rapids ara: path; tiatia: pegs Pegged ladder
Aratika ara: path; tika: correct or straight Direct path
Aratoro ara: path; toro: discover Path of discovery
Aropaonui aro: kidney fat; paoa: to bash Bashed kidney fat
Aukati au: line; kati: block Frontier
Auripo au: current; ripo: whirlpool, or eddying Eddying current
Auroa au: cloud or mist; roa: long Long cloud
Awa awa: river River
Awahōhonu River awa: river; hōhonu: deep Deep river
Awahōu awa: river; hōu: new New river
Awaiti awa: river; iti: little Little river
Awa-kāeaea awa: valley or stream; kāeaea: the sparrow-hawk Sparrow-hawk stream
Awakeri awa: river; keri: dig Ditch or trench
Awakino awa: river; kino: bad, evil, or of bad appearance Bad creek
Awamangu awa: river; mangu: black Black river
Awamarino awa: stream; marino: calm Calm stream
Awamoana awa: stream; moana: sea Sea stream
Awamoko awa: stream; moko: lizard Lizard stream
Awanui awa: river; nui: large Large river
Awapikopiko awa: stream; pikopiko: winding about Winding stream
Awapuni awa: stream; puni: blocked up Blocked-up river
Awarere awa: stream; rere: to flow Flowing stream
Awariki awa: river; riki: small Little river
Awaroa awa: river or valley; roa: long Long river
Awarua awa: stream or river; rua: two Two streams
Awatere River awa: river; tere: swift Swift river
Awatoitoi awa: stream; toitoi: giant bully  Giant bully stream
Awatōtō awa: stream; tōtō: hauling place Stream for hauling (canoes)
Awatuna awa: stream; tuna: eel Eel stream
Eketāhuna eke: run aground or land; tāhuna: sandbank Land on the sandbank
Epiha Māori form of biblical name Ephesus Ephesus
Erua e: used before cardinal numbers from two to nine; rua: two Two
Hāpua-waikawa hāpua: pool; wai: water; kawa: bitter Pool of bitter water
Haumoana hau: wind; moana: sea Sea breeze
Haunui hau: wind; nui: big or many Strong wind
Hiwinui hiwi: ridge; nui: big Big ridge
Hokanui hoka: projecting sharply upwards; nui: large Large projection
Houipapa houi: lacebark; papa: flat Ribbonwood flat
Houpoto hou: feathers; poto: short Short feathers
Hukanui huka: foam, frost or snow; nui: big Heavy snow
Hukerenui hukere: cascade; nui: large Large cascade
Hurimoana huri: to overflow; moana: ocean Overflowing ocean
Ihumātao ihu: nose; mātao: cold Cold nose
Ihumoana ihu: nose; moana: sea Nose into the sea
Ikawai ika: fish; wai: water

Waters of fish

Kā Pukehore A descriptive name, kā (ngā): the; puke: hill; hore: bare (the peaks were bare of vegetation) The bare hills
Kā Pukemāeroero kā (ngā): the; puke: hill; māeroero: ogres of the South Island forests The hill of ogres
Kaharoa kaha: net; roa: long Large net
Kaiata kai: to eat: ata: early morning Eating in the morning
Kaiaua kai: to eat; aua: mullet or herrings Eating mullets
Kai-Hau-o-Kupe kai: to eat; hau: wind; o: of; Kupe The place where Kupe ‘ate wind’
Kaihiku kai: te eat; hiku: tail of a fish Eating a fish tail
Kaihinu kai: food; hinu: fat Food preserved in fat
Kaihu An abbreviation of kai-hu-a-Ihenga, kai: to eat; hu: secretly; a: of; Ihenga Eat secretly
Kaikarae kai: food; karae: seabird Eat a seabird
Kaikōura kai: to eat; koura: crayfish Eat crayfish
Kaikūmera Bay kai: to eat; kūmera (alternate spelling of kūmara): sweet potato Eat kūmara
Kaimāī kai: food or to eat; māī: mussels, or slightly fermented food Eat fermented food
Kaimamaku kai: food or to eat; mamaku: edible tree-fern Eat edible tree-fern
Kaimanawa Mountains kai: food or to eat; manawa: breath (also meaning heart or emotion) Breath for food
Kaimangō kai: food or to eat; mangō: shark Eating shark
Kaimata kaimata: unripe or uncooked food Eat raw food
Kaimātaitai kai: food; mātaitai: salty Eat seafood
Kaimaumau kai: food; maumau: to waste Eat food
Kaimiro kai: food or to eat; miro: a tree Eat miro berries
Kainamu kai: to eat; namu: sandflies Eat sandflies
Kāingaroa kāinga: area of land; roa: long Long area of land
Kāingaroa Plain Kāinga: place where food has been cooked and eaten; roa: long Long meal
Kaipākirikiri kai: food; pākirikiri: rock cod Eating rock cod
Kaipara Flats kai: te eat; para: fern-root Eat fern-root
Kaiparoro kai: to eat; paroro: bad weather Eating up bad weather
Kaipō Bay kai: to eat; pō: night Eat night
Kaipuke kai: to eat; puke: swell, flood Ship (wave eater)
Kaipūpū kai: food; pūpū: shellfish Eat shellfish
Kairākau kai: to eat; rākau: wood. Eat wood
Kairaki kai: eat; raki (South Island form of rangi); sky  Sky eater
Kairara kai: food; rara: to be spread out on a stage for drying in the sun Food spread out on a stage to dry
Kairua kai: food; rua: pit Food pit
Kaitakata South Island variant of Kaitangata – kai: to eat; tangata: man Man eater (South Island form)
Kaitangata kai: to eat; tangata: man Man eater
Kaitangiweka kai: food; tangi: to cry; weka: wood hen Crying of the weka for food
Kaitapeha kai: to eat; tapeha: rind or skin Eat the rind
Kaitawa kai: food; tawa: tree or berries Eat tawa berries
Kaitieke kai: to eat; tieke: the saddleback bird Eat the saddleback bird
Kaitoke kai: to eat, or food; take: worm Eat worms
Kaitoki kai: food; toki: adze Food for the adze
Kaituna kai: to eat; tuna: eel Eat eels
Kai-waha-onepū kai: food; waha: mouth; onepū: sand Biting the sand
Kaiwaka kai: to eat; waka: canoe Eating the canoes
Kaiwera kai: food; wera: hot Hot food
Kaiwharawhara kai: food or to eat; wharawhara: the fruit of the astelia Eat the fruit of the astelia
Kakīroa kakī: neck or throat; roa: large Long neck
Kararoa kara: this word has many meanings, one of which is old man; roa: tall Tall elderly man
Kauroa kau: to swim; roa: long Long swim
Kereone kere: earth; one: sand or sandy Sandy earth
Kererū kererū: wood pigeon Wood pigeon
Keteketerau ketekete: click the tongue; rau: many times Click the tongue repeatedly
Ketetahi springs Kete: basket; tahi: one One spring
Kihikihi kihikihi: cicada Cicada
Kihitū kihi: to strip off; tū: girdle or belt to which a maro (loincloth) was attached Strip off the girdle
Kioreroa kiore: native rat; roa: long Long rat
Kirkiriroa kirikiri: gravel; roa: long Long gravel
Kiwinui kiwi: bird; nui: many Many kiwi birds
Kōhīnui kōhī: dark mud (used in dyeing), heavy rain, skeleton, youth, etc.; nui: large, many or plenty Plenty of dark mud
Kohukohunui Lit: kohukohu: mist; nui: big or many Great mist
Kōpūtai kōpū: full; tai: tide Full tide
Kōputaroa kōputa: snare for catching parakeets; roa: long Long snare for catching parakeets
Kōpūwai kōpū: belly or full; wai: water Water swallower
Korakonui korako: albino; nui: big Large albino (bird)
Kororāreka kororā: blue penguin; reka: sweet or tasty Tasty blue penguin
Kōtuku kōku: white heron White heron
Kōtuku-moana kōtuku: white heron; moana: lake Lake of white herons
Kōurarau kōura: crayfish; rau: many Many crayfish
Koutunui koutu: headland; nui: large Large headland
Kumeroa kume: to pull; roa: long Long drag
Kuranui kura: red; nui: large red birds Big red (birds)
Makakahikatoa maka: strike; kahikatoa: red mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium) or more probably a weapon made from this wood Striking with mānuka stick
Makarānui makarā: to come and go; nui: many Much coming and going
Mākikihi ma: stream; kikihi: cicada (Amphipsalta cingulata) Cicada stream
Mākirikiri ma: stream: kirikiri: gravel Gravelly stream
Mākōhine Valley mā: stream; kōhine: girl Young woman's stream
Mākōtuku mā: stream; kōtuku: white heron White heron stream
Mākōwhai Mā: stream; kōwhai: tree Kōwhai tree stream
Mākurī mā: stream; kurī: dog Dog stream
Māmāranui mā: stream; māra: farm or cultivation; nui: large or many Stream for many gardens
Manaroa mana: power or prestige; roa: great or long Enduring prestige
Mangaharakeke manga: stream; harakeke: flax bush Stream of flax
Mangahoe manga: stream; hoe: canoe paddle Stream of canoe paddles
Mangahouhounui Stream manga: stream; houhou: five-finger tree; nui: large or many Stream of many five finger trees
Mangaiti manga: stream; iti: tiny Small stream
Mangakāhia manga: stream; kāhia or kōhia: native passion vine Stream of New Zealand passionfruit
Mangakino manga: stream; kino: bad, usless or stagnant Stagnant stream
Mangakura manga: stream; kura: red or red ochre Stream of red ochre
Mangamāhoe manga: stream; māhoe: native tree, whiteywood (Melicytus ramiflorus) Māhoe stream
Mangamahu manga: stream; mahu: gentle Gentle stream
Mangamaire manga: stream; maire: native tree Maire stream
Mangamuka manga: stream; muka: the furled shoot of the nīkau palm Stream of the furled shoot of the nīkau palm
Mangamutu manga: stream; mutu: finished Finished stream
Mangangarongaro: Mangangarongaro Stream manga: stream; ngarongaro: somewhat abated Abated stream
Manganui-a-te-Ao manga: stream; nui: great; a: of; te: the; ao: world Great stream of the world
Mangaohae manga: stream o: of; Hae The stream of Hae
Mangaohutu manga: stream; o: of; Hutu The stream of Hutu
Mangaonoho manga: stream; o: of; Noho The stream of Noho
Mangaorapa manga: stream; o: of; Rapa The stream of Rapa
Mangaore manga: stream; ore: to poke with a stick, or to bore a hole The stream where a hole was bored
Mangaotaki manga: stream; o: of; taki: oratory or to make a speech  Stream of oratory
Mangaowera: Mangaowera Stream manga: stream; o: of; Wera The stream of Wera
Mangapai manga: stream; pai: good Good stream
Mangapēhi manga: stream; pēhi: troubled Stream of trouble
Mangapiko manga: stream; piko: bent or crooked Winding stream
Mangapōuri manga: stream; pōuri: dark Dark stream
Mangapu manga: stream; pū: double Double stream
Mangapuaka manga: stream ; puaka: bird snare or rimu tree Bird snare stream
Mangapūrua manga: stream; pūrua: abundant or plenty Abundant stream
Mangarakau manga: stream; rākau: tree Stream of trees
Mangaramarama manga: stream; ramarama: native shrub Stream of the ramarama shrub
Mangarapa manga: stream; rapa: broad or spread out Broad stream
Mangarātā manga: stream; rata: native tree Rātā stream
Mangarawa manga: stream; rawa: swamp Swampy stream
Mangarimu manga: stream; rimu: native tree Rimu stream
Mangaroa manga: stream; roa: long Long stream
Mangatahi manga: stream; tahi: single Single stream
Mangatainoka manga: stream; tainoka: native broom Native broom stream
Mangatangi manga: stream; tangi: weeping or sounding Stream of weeping
Mangatapu manga: stream; tapu: sacred or forbidden Sacred stream
Mangatarata manga: stream; tarata: native tree known as lemonwood Lemonwood stream
Mangatāwhiri manga: stream; tāwhiri: native tree Tāwhiri tree stream
Mangatea manga: stream; tea: white or clear Clear stream
Mangateparu manga: stream; te: the paru: mud, dirt, dirty or deep Stream of mud
Mangatepopo manga: stream; te: the; popo: anything rotten or decayed Stream of rotten items
Mangateretere manga: stream; teretere: swiftly flowing Swiftly flowing river
Mangatī manga: stream; tī: cabbage tree Cabbage-tree stream
Mangatina manga: stream; tina: exhausted Exhausted at the stream
Mangatoetoe manga: stream; toetoe: native grass Toetoe stream
Mangatuna manga: stream; tuna: eel Eel stream
Mangawara manga: stream; wara: to make an indistinct sound Quiet stream
Mangaweka: manga: stream; weka: wood-hen Weka stream
Mangawhata manga: stream; whata: a raised storehouse for food Raised storehouse stream
Mangawhero manga: stream; whero: red Red stream
Mangōnui mangō: shark; nui: large or many Great shark
Mānia-rauhea mānia: plain of flat land; rauhea: tussock grass Plain of shining tussock
Māniatoto mānia: plain; o: of; toto: blood Plain of blood
Māniatutu mānia: plain; tutu: a native tree Tutu-tree plain
Mānui mā: stream; nui: large Large stream
Maraenui marae: courtyard or meeting area; nui: large Great marae
Maraeroa marae: courtyard or meeting area; roa: long Long marae
Maraetai marae: courtyard or meeting area; tai: coast Coastal marae
Māraroa māra: cultivated area; roa: long, long lasting Long lasting cultivations
Matakanui mata: face; ka: blow or scar; nui: large Scarred face of a large cliff
Mataroa mata: headland or bluff; roa: long Long headland
Maunga Mā maunga: mountain; mā: white White mountain
Maunga-atua maunga: mountain; atua: gods Mountain of the gods
Maungaharuru maunga: mountain; haruru: to rumble Rumbling mountain
Maungahaumi maunga: mountain; haumi: timber to lengthen or raise the sides of a canoe Mountain of canoe timber
Maungakaramea maunga: mountain; karamea: red ochre or speargrass Red ochre mountain
Maungakiekie maunga: mountain; kiekie: a climbing plant Kiekie plant mountain
Maunganui maunga: mountain; nui: tall or large Large mountain
Maungapōhatu maunga: mountain; pōhatu: rock or stone Rocky mountain
Maungaraki maunga: mountain or mountains; raki: north Northern mountain
Maungaroa maunga: mountain; roa: long Long mountain
Maungataketake maunga: mountain; taketake: base, long-established or well-founded Broad mountain
Maungataniwha maunga: mountain; taniwha: supernatural creature Taniwha mountain
Maungatāpere maunga: mountain; tāpere: red, volcanic earth Mountain of red volcanic earth
Maungatapu maunga: mountain; tapu: sacred or forbidden Sacred mountain
Maungatautari maunga: mountain; tautari: an upright stick Mountain of the upright stick
Maungatī maunga: mountain; tī: cabbage tree Cabbage tree mountain
Maungatua maunga: mountain; a: of; atua: god Mountain of the gods
Maungatūroto maunga: mountain; tū: to stand; roto: lake Mountain standing up in lagoons
Maungawera maunga: mountain; wera: burnt or hot Burnt mountain
Maungawhau maunga: mountain; whau: a native tree Whau tree mountain
Māwheranui Māwhera: open, widesread; nui: large (referring particularly to the river mouth). Broad and widespread (river mouth)
Mititai miti: to lick; tai: tide Lick the tide
Moana Ocean or large lake Ocean
Moanariri moana: sea; riri: to be angry or to fight Angry sea
Moanaroa moana: ocean; roa: large or broad Broad sea
Moanawhenuapōuri moana: sea; whenua: land; pōuri: sad or dark Sombre arm of the sea
Moeroa moe: to sleep; roa: long Long sleep
Mōkihinui mōkihi: raft made of flax stalks; nui: large Large flax-stalk raft
Mokoroa moko: tattoo; roa: long Long tattoo
Mokoroa: Mokoroa Stream moko: lizard; roa; long Long lizard
Motuara: Motuara Island motu: island; ara: path Island in the path (of a canoe)
Motuarohia: Motuarohia Island motu:island; arohia: reconnoitred Reconnoitred island
Motukairangi motu: island; kairangi: wonderful, chief, or wandering Wonderful island
Motukaraka motu: clump of trees; karaka: native tree Clump of karaka trees
Motukāranui Motu: island; karā: basalt; nui: large Island of large basalt stone
Motukauatiiti motu: grove of trees; kauati: rubbing stick for firemaking; iti: little Little clump of trees used for fire sticks
Motukauatirahi motu: grove of trees; kauati: rubbing stick for firemaking; rahi: large Large clump of trees used for fire sticks
Motukauri: Motukauri Island motu: island; kauri: native tree Clump of kauri trees
Motukiekie motu: island; kiekie: a native plant Kiekie island
Motukina motu: island or isolated headland; kina: sea urchin Kina island
Motukiore motu: island; kiore: native rat Rat island
Motukokopu motu: island; kokopu: cockabully fish Cockabully island
Motumāhanga motu: island; māhanga: twin Twin islands
Motumaire motu: island; maire: native tree Maire island
Motumaoho motu: clump of trees; maoho: to intrude Intruding clump of trees
Motunau motu: island; nau: scurvy grass Scurvy grass island
Motungārara motu: island; ngārara: lizard Lizard island
Motunui motu: island; nui: large Large island
Motuoapa motu: island or grove of trees; o: of; Apa Grove of trees belonging to Apa
Motu-o-Kura motu: island; o: of; Kura Island of Kura
Motuopuhi: Motuopuhi Island motu: island; o: of; Puhi Island of Puhi
Motuoroi: Motuoroi Island motu: island; o: of; Roi Island of Roi
Motuotaraia motu: isolated area; o: of; Taraia Isolated area of Taraia
Motupipi motu: island; pipi: common edible shellfish Pipi island
Motupiu motu: island; piu: to swing Swinging island
Moturoa motu: island; roa: long Long island
Motutaiko motu: island; taiko: petrel Island of the black petrel
Motutapu: Motutapu Island motu: island; tapu: sacred or forbidden Sacred island
Motutara: Motutara Island motu: island; tara: gull Gull island
Motutawa motu: island; tawa: a tree Tawa tree island
Motutere motu: island; tere: to float Floating island
Muritai muri: breeze; tai: sea or tide Sea breeze
Muriwai muri: end; wai: water Waters’ end
Ngākawau ngā: the; kauwau: shags The shags
Ngāmatapōuri ngā: the; matapōuri: black teal The black teals
Ngāmoko ngā: the; moko: lizards The lizards
Ngāmotu ngā: the; motu: islands The islands
Ngāpōhatu ngā: the; pōhatu: rocks The rocks
Ngāpuhi ngā: the; puhi: plumes The plumes
Ngāpuna ngā; the; puna: springs The springs
Ngārimu Bay ngā: the; rimu: native tree The rimu trees
Ngāroma nga: the; roma: currents The currents
Ngaionui ngaio: a native tree; nui: large or many Great ngaio tree
Ngāpuke ngā: the; puke: hills The hills
Ngāroto ngā: the; roto: lakes The lakes
Ngātira ngā; the; tira: parties of travellers The parties of travellers
Ngātuku ngā: the; tuku: ridges of a hill The ridges of a hill
Ngāūranga ngā: the; ūranga: landing place for canoes The landing place for canoes
Ngāurukehu ngā: the; urukehu: red-haired, fair-skinned Māori The red-haired, fair-skinned Māori
Ngāwaka ngā: the; waka: canoes The canoes
Ngāwaro ngā: the; waro: burning coals The burning coals
Ngāwhā ngāwhā: hot springs The hot springs
Ngāwhatu ngā: the; whatu: eyes The eyes
Ngāwī ngā: the; wī: native tussock grass The native tussock grass
Ngutunui ngutu: lip; nui: big Big lips
Nukumānia nuku: wide extent; mānia: plains Wide plains
Nukuroa nuku: to move; roa: long Long travles
Ōamaru ō: place; a: of; Maru The place of Maru
Ōaonui ō: place of; ao: clouds: nui: many Place of many clouds
Ōaro ō: place of; aro: front Front-facing place
Ōeo ō: place of; eo: louse or lice Place of lice
Ōhaeawai ō: place of; haeawai: thermal waters Place of thermal waters
Ōhakune ō: place of; hakune: to be careful Place of care
Ōhāngai ō: place of; hāngai: opposite, across, or at right angles Opposite place
Ōhau ō: place of; Hau Place of Hau
Ōhauiti ō: place of; hau: wind; iti: little Place of little wind
Ōhaupō ō: place of; hau: wind; pō: night Place of a breeze at night
Ōhawe ō: place of; hawe: bend in a river or path Place of many (river) bends
Ōhikaiti ō: place of; hika: a rite involving certain incantations; iti: small The place of small incantations
Ōhikanui ō: place of; hika: a rite involving certain incantations; nui: large The place of large incantations
Ōhinekura Named after Hinekura Place of Hinekura
Ōhinepanea ō: place of; Hinepanea: probably a personal name Place of Hinepanea
Ōhinerau ō: place of; Hinerau, the goddess of whirlwinds Place of Hinerau
Ōhinerehia ō: place of; Hinerehia, a legendary creature or mermaid. Place of Hinerēhia
Ōhingahape ō: place of; hinga: fall; hape: crooked foot Place of a slip causing a crooked foot
Ōhiwa ō: place of; hiwa: watchful or alert Place of alertness
Ōhoka ō: place of; hoka: a stake to which a decoy kākā (parrot) was tied. Earlier spelt Hohoka Place of the stake for a decoy parrot
Ōhope ō: place of; hope (or ope): main body of an army Place of main body of an army
Ōhotu ō: place of; hotu: fifteenth night of the moon Place of fifteenth night of the moon
Ōhoukākā ō: place of; hou: feather; kākā: parrot Place of the parrot feather
Ōhura ō: place of; hura: to uncover, or uncovered spot Place which is uncovered
Ōihi ō: place of; ihi: power or authority Place of spiritual power
Ōio ō: place of; io: spur Place of the spur
Ōkahu ō: place of; Kahu Place of Kahu
Ōkahukura ō: place of; Kahukura: atua related to rainbow Place of Kahukura
Ōkahutai ō: place; kahu: garment; tai: tide Place of cloaking waters
Ōkaihae ō: place of; kai: food; hae: to dislike Place of disliked food
Ōkaihau ō: place of; kai: to eat or food; hau: wind Place of feast of the winds
Ōkarae ō: place of; karae: a seabird Place of the seabird
Ōkarahia ō: place of; karahia: assistance called for in war, in this case in vain Place of a call for assistance
Ōkareka ō: food for a long journey; kareka: sweet or tasty Sweet food for a long journey
Ōkārito ō: place of; karito: young shoots of the bulrush or raupō Place of young shoots of the bulrush
Ōkataina ō: place of; kataina: laughter Place of laughter
Ōkato ō: place of; Kato: a personal name Place of Kato
Ōkau ō: place of; kau: to swim Place of swimming
Ōkauia ō: place of; kauia: articles threaded on string or on a stick Place of articles threaded on a stick
Ōkawa ō: place of; kawa: bitter Place of bitter (water)
Ōkehu ō: place of; Kehu: a personal name Place of Kehu
Ōkere ō: place of; kere: to drift or float Place of drifting
Ōkete ō: place of; kete: basket Place of baskets
Ōkiato ō: place of; kīato: a receptacle for holding sacred objects Place of receptable for holding sacred objects
Ōkiwi ō: place of; kiwi: native bird Place of the kiwi
Ōkiwi ō: place of; Kiwi Place of Kiwi
Ōkoki ō: place of; koki: a small canoe Place of a small canoe
Ōkoroire ō: place of; koroire: ring-necked native duck, now extinct Place of the koroire duck
Ōkōtuku ō: place of; kōtuku: white heron Place of the white heron
Ōkupu ō: place of; kupu: message Place of a message
Ōkura ō: place; kura: red Place of red (clay)
Ōkuri ō: place of; kurī: Polynesian dog Place of the Polynesian dog
Ōmaha ō: place of; maha: pleasure Place of pleasure
Ōmahu ō: place of; ō: provisions for a travelling party; Mahu: a personal name The place where Mahu ran out of food.
Ōmāio ō: place of; māio: calm Place of calm
Ōmaka ō: place of; maka: South island form of manga (stream) Place of the stream
Ōmakau ō: place of; makau: spouse Belonging to husband and wife
Ōmakere ō: place of; makere: to be lost, abandoned or to die Place of abandonment
Ōmāmari ō: place of; Māmari: a famous canoe that come from Hawaiki. Place of Māmari canoe
Ōmana ō: place of; Mana: a personal name Place of Mana
Ōmanaia ō: place of; Manaia: a personal name Place of Manaia
Ōmanawa ō: place of; Manawa: a personal name Place of Manawa
Ōmanawanui ō: place of; manawanui: stout-hearted, long-suffering or forbearing Place of unswerving dedication
Ōmāpere ō: place of; māpere: cutty grass Place of cutty grass
Ōmarama ō: place of; Marama: a personal name Place of Marama
Ōmaru ō: place of; maru: shelter Place of shelter
Ōmarumutu ō: place of; maru: shade or shelter; mutu: cut off or terminated Place of cut-off shelter
Ōmarunui ō: place of; maru: shade; nui: great or much Place of great shade
Ōmarupāpaku ō: place of; maru: shade; pāpaku: shallow Place of shallow shade
Ōmaui ō: place of; Māui Place of Māui
Ōmihi ō: place of; mihi: greeting; also possibly wailing or lamentation Place of greeting
Ōmimi ō: place o; mimi: urine Place of urine
Ōmoana ō: place of; moana: ocean Place of the sea
Ōmoeroa ō: place of; moe: sleep; roa: long Place of the long sleep
Ōnaeroa ō: place of; naeroa: mosquitoes Place of mosquitoes
Ōnawe ō: place of; nawe: to set on fire Place of arson
Ōnehunga ō: place of; nehunga: burial Place of burial
Ōnekakā one: sand; kākā: hot Hot sand
Onekawa one: sand; kawa: bitter or sour Salty soil
Ōnekeneke ō: place of; nekeneke: to move gradually Place of movement
Onemaewao one: sand; Maewao: fairy-like beings Place of the Maewao (fairy-like beings)
Oneone oneone: earth, soil Earth
Onepoto one: beach; poto: short Short beach
Onepū one: sand; pū: loose Loose sandy soil
Onepunui one: sand; pupuni: covered, fill up Extensive sand dune
Onerahi one: beach; rahi: long or wide Long beach
Oneriri one: beach; riri: combat, battle, fight, to quarrel or be angry Battle beach
Oneroa one: sand or beach; roa: long Long beach
Onetahua one: sand; tahua: heaped up Heaped-up sand (sand dunes)
Onetangi one: sandy beach; tangi: to weep or to sound Beach of weeping
Onetapu one: sand or in this case, desert; tapu: sacred or forbidden Sacred desert
Onetea one: sandy soil; tea: light-coloured Light soil
Onewhero one: soil; whero: red Red soil
Ōngāroto ō: place of; ngā: the; roto: lakes Place of the lakes
Ōngāruānuku ō: place; ngā; the; ruānuku: learned people Place of the learned people
Ōngarue ō: place of; ngarue: to shake, as in an earthquake Place of shaking
Ōngātoro ō: place of; Ngātoro: personal name The place of Ngātoro
Ōnoke ō: place of; noke: earthworm Place of earthworms
Ōnuku ō: place of; nuku: food for a journey Place of Nuku
Ōpaheke ō: place of; paheke: slip or landslide Place of a landslide
Ōpaki ō: place of; paki: fine weather Place of fine weather
Ōpakū ō: place of; pakū: to make a sudden sound or report, to resound or to knock Place of sudden noise
Ōpanuku ō: place of; Panuku: a personal name Place of Panuku
Ōpapa ō: place of; papa: flat land Place of flat land
Ōpara ō: place of; para: mud or dust, or a place where sacred ceremonies were performed Place of mud
Ōpararā ō: place of; parara: to lie open towards A place which lies open (to the Tasman Sea)
Ōparau ō: place of; pa: fortified villages; rau: many; or parau: dissembling or falsehood Place of many fortified villages; or Place of falsehood
Ōpārure ō: place of; pārure: to plunder Place of plunder
Ōpepe ō: place of; pepe: moth Place of the moth
Ōpihi ō: place of; pihi: springing up (referring to plants) Place of springing-up (plants)
Ōpiki ō: place of; piki: to climb or ascend Place of climbing
Ōpito ō: place of; pito: umbilical cord Place of umbilical cords
Ōpoe ō: place of; Poe Place of Poe
Ōpoho ō: place of; Poho Place of Poho
Ōpononi ō: place of; pou: post; noni: crooked Place of crooked fishing post
Ōpōuri ō: place of; pōuri: sadness Place of sadness
Ōpoutama ō: place of; poutama: pattern on the tukutuku panels of a whare Place of the poutama pattern
Ōpoutere ō: place of; pou: pour out; tere: quickly The place (where the sea-waters) swiftly empty out
Ōpua ō: place of; pua: flower Place of the flower
Ōpuke ō: place of; puke: hill Place of the hill
Ōrākau ō: place of; rakau: trees Place of trees
Ōrākei ō: place of; rākei: adornment Place of adornment
Ōrakei Kōrako ō: place of; rakei: adornment; kōrako: white Place of adornment near the white (sinter flat)
Ōranga ō: place of; ranga: rising ground, hill, sandbank, or fishing ground Place of rising ground
Ōrarī ō: place of; rarī: butterfish Place of the butterfish
Ōrātia ō: place of; ra: sun; tia: persistency Place of long-lingering sun
Ōrere ō: place of; rere: waterfall Place of the waterfall
Ōreti ō: place of; reti: snare Place of the snare
Ōringi ō: place of; Ringi Place of Ringi
Ōrongo ō: place of; rongo: listening-post Place of the listening post
Ōrongorongo o: of; rongorongo: a woman’s name Place of Rongorongo
Ōropi ō: place of; ropi: to cover up Place of covering up
Ōroua ō: place of; roua: dredging for shellfish Place of dredging for shellfish
Ōruaiti ō: place of; rua: pit; iti: small Place of small pit
Ōruanui ō: place of; rua: pit; nui: large or many Place of many pits
Ōruawairua ō: place of; rua: two; wairua: soul or spirit Meeting-place of spirits
Ōruawharo ō: place of; rua: hole or pit; whārō: stretched out in full length Place of stretched-out pit
Ōruawharo ō: place of; Ruawharo: a personal name Place of Ruawharo
Ōrukuwai ō: place of; Rukuwai: a personal name Place of Rukuwai
Ōruru ō: place of; ruru: morepork Place of the morepork
Ōrurutūmārō ō: place of; ruru: morepork; tū: stand; mārō: firm Place of the unmoving morepork
Ōtāhei ō: place of; tāhei: a bird snare Place of the bird snare
Ōtahu ō: place of; Tahu: a personal name Place of Tahu
Ōtāhūhū ō: place of tāhūhū: ridgepole of a house Place of the ridgepole of a house
Ōtaihanga ō: place of: Taihanga: a personal name Place of Taihanga
Ōtāika ō: place of; tāika: to lie in a heap Place of lying in a heap
Ōtakapuneke ō: place of; Takapuneke: a personal name Place of Takapuneke
Ōtakaro ō: place of; Takaro: a personal name Place of Takaro
Ōtakeho ō: place of; Takeho: a personal name Place of Takeho
Ōtaki ō: place of; taki: stick in Place of sticking a staff into the ground
Ōtākiri ō: place of; tākiri: loosening or making free from tapu Place of loosening or freeing from tapu
Ōtakou ō: place of; tākou: red ochre Place of red ochre; or place of Tākou
Ōtama ō: place of;  Tama: a personal name Place of Tama
Ōtamakura ō: place of; tama: son; kura: ornamented with red feathers Place of boy ornamented with red feathers
Ōtamarākau ō: place of; tama: young men; rākau: weapons Place of young warriors
Ōtamarau ō: place of; Tamarau: a personal name Place of Tamarau
Ōtamatea ō: place of; Tamatea: a personal name Place of Tamatea
Ōtāne ō: place of; tāne: man Place of a man
Ōtāngarei ō: place of; tanga: row or company of people; rei: leaping Place of group of people leaping
Ōtangaroa ō: place of; Tangaroa: a personal name, or the god of the ocean Place of Tangaroa
Ōtangihaku ō: place of; tangi: to sound or weep; haku: to murmur Place of murmured weeping
Ōtangimoana ō: place of; tangi: weeping; moana: waters Place of weeping waters
Ōtangiwai ō: place of; tangi: weeping; wai: waters Place of weeping waters
Ōtāpara ō: place of; tāpara: desire, or wooden digging implement Place of digging implement
Ōtāpiri ō: place of; tapiri: a vigorous shoot growing beside the main stem of a plant Place of vigorous growing shoot
Ōtara ō: place of; tara: peak Place of the peak
Ōtara ō: place of; Tara: a personal name Place of Tara
Ōtaraia ō: place of; Taraia: a personal name Place of Taraia
Ōtaranga ō: place of; taranga: separation Place of separation
Ōtatara ō: place of; tatara: to untie or loosen Place of loosening
Ōtauaki ō: place of; tauaki: to show or expose Place of exposure
Ōtautau ō: place of; tautau: greenstone ear pendant with a straight shank curved at the lower end Place of ear pendant
Ōtāwēwē ō: place of: tāwēwē: weighted net Place of a weighted net
Ōtāwhao ō: place of; tāwhao: fragments, refuse or brushwood Place of brushwood scrub
Ōtehei ō: place of; te: the; hei: neck ornament Place of the neck ornament
Ōtehīwai ō: place of; te: the; hīwai: springing up Place of springing up of water
Ōtekura ō: place of; te: the; kura: red feather Place of the red feather
Ōtepopo ō: place of; te: the; popo: decayed wood Place of the decayed wood
Ōtipua ō: place of; tipua: enchanted object or person Place of supernatural creature
Ōtiria ō: place of; tiria: to be planted Place of planting
Ōtiwhā ō: place of: tiwhā: a patch of shell or wood to cover a hole in a kelp bag Place of patch
Ōtoatahi ō: place of; toa: warrior; tahi: one Place of a single warrior
Ōtohi ō: place of; tohi: ritual ceremony Place of ceremony
Ōtoko ō: place of; toko: stick or staff Place of the staff
Ōtonga ō: place of; tonga: south, or south wind Place of the south wind
Ōtoroa ō: place of; toroa: albatross Place of the albatross
Ōtūkapuarangai ō: place of; tu: to stand; kapua: cloud; rangi: sky Place of the standing cloud in the sky
Ōtūmatua o: place of; tū: stand; matua: parent Where the elder stands
Ōtūmoetai ō: place of; tu: to stand; moe: to sleep; tai: tide Place where the tide stands still as if asleep
Ōtūpaopao ō: place of; tū: to stand; paopao: to break by repeated strokes Place of standing and breaking
Ōtūraki ō: place of; tū: to stand; raki (rangi): sky Place of standing in the sky
Ōtūrēhua ō: place of; tū: to stand; Rēhua: the star Antares  Place where the summer star stands still
Ōturoto ō: place of; Turoto: a personal name Place of Turoto
Ōtūru ō: place of; Turu: a personal name Place of Turu
Ōue ō: place of; Ue: a personal name Place of Ue
Ōueroa ō: place of; ue: species of flax; roa: long Place of long flax
Ōui ō: place of; ui: to ask Place of questioning
Ōuruhia ō: place of; uruhia: to be attacked Place of being attacked
Ōwahanga ō: place of; wahanga: burden Place of burden
Ōwairaka ō: place of; Wairaka, a chieftainess of repute Place of Wairaka
Ōwairaka ō: place of; wai: stream; Raka: an ancestor Place of the stream of Raka
Ōwaka ō: place of; waka: canoe or wooden trough Place of a canoe
Ōweka ō: place of; weka: wood-hen Place of the weka
Ōwhango ō: place of; whango: hoarse voice or wheezy sound Place of wheezy noises
Ōwhata ō: place of; whata: elevated stage to protect food from bush rats, and for drying Place of the elevated stage
Ōwhawhe ō: place of; whawhe: put round The place encircled
Ōwhiro ō: place of; Whiro Place of Whiro
Paehinahina pae: ridge, headland; hinahina: a small tree also knwn as mahoe Hinahina ridge
Paekākāriki pae: perch or snare; kākāriki: parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae) Parakeet perch
Paekoka pae: ridge; koka: an unidentified species of seabird that was caught here Seabird ridge
Paeoterangi pae: perching place; o: of; te: the; rangi: sky Footstool of the sky
Paerātā pae: ridge; rātā: native tree Ridge of the rātā tree
Paerau pae: ridges or steps; rau: many or a hundred Many ridges
Paeroa pae: ridge of hills; roa: long Long ridge of hills
Paetiki pae: ridge; tiki: carved wooden or stone figure Ridge of carved figure
Pakirārahi pakirā: bald; rahi: big Large bald dome
Papahīnau papa: flat; hīnau: native tree Hīnau flats
Papaiti papa: flat; iti: small Small flats
Papakaio papa: flat; kaio: native tree (South Island form of ngaio) Kaio tree flats
Papakura papa: flat; kura: red Red flats
Papamoa papa: flat; moa: raisted mounds for growing vegetables Raised mounds for growing vegetables on the flats
Papanui papa: flat; nui: large Large flat
Paparangi papa: flat; rangi: sky Flat sky
Paparātā papa: flat; rātā: native tree Rātā tree flats
Paparimu papa: flat; rimu: native tree Rimu tree flats
Paparoa papa: flat; roa: long Long flats
Papatawa papa: flat; tawa: native tree Tawa tree flats
Papatāwhara papa: ground; tāwhara: kiekie flowers Kiekie flower flats
Papatoetoe papa: flat; toetoe: native grass Toetoe grass flat
Papatōtara papa: flat; tōtara: native tree Tōtara flat
Papatōwai papa: flat; tōwai: native tree Tōwai tree flat
Papawai papa: flat; wai: water Inundated land
Pāreranui pārera: grey duck (Anas superciliosa): nui: large Large grey duck
Paretai pare: divert; tai: the tide River bank
Paretetaitonga para: dust; te: the; tai: sea; tonga: south The dust from the south sea
Pārewanui pā: fortified village; rewa: swamp; nui: large Fortified village in a large swamp
Pari-nui-te-ra pari: cliff; nui: great; te: the; rā: sun Great cliff in the sun
Pariparitetai paripari: cliffs; te: the; tai: coast Cliffs on the coast
Pariroa pari: cliff; roa: long Long cliff
Pāroa pā: fortified village; roa: long, broad Broad fortified village
Paruroa paru: mud; roa: long Long mud
Paturoa patu: to strike or kill; roa: long Much hitting
Pāuanui pāua: shellfish; nui: many or large Many or large pāua
Pikowai piko: corner or bend; wai: stream Bend in the stream
Pipiroa pipi: cockle; roa: long Long pipi
Pīroa pī: headwaters; roa: long Long headwaters
Pōhatunui pōhatu: rock; nui: great Great rock
Pōhaturoa pōhatu: rock; roa: tall Tall rock
Pohonui poho: stomach; nui: big Big stomach
Pōhuenui pōhue: convolvulus or other climbing plants; nui: many Large climbing plant
Pongaroa ponga: tree fern; roa: tall or long Tall tree fern
Pōnui pō: night; nui: long Long night
Puatai pua: foam; tai: sea Foam of the sea
Pukearuhe puke: hill; aruhe: bitter Hill of bitterness
Puhinui puhi: plume at the bow of a war canoe; nui: large Large plume at bow of war canoe
Pukeatua puke: hill; atua: god Hill of the deity
Pukehinau puke: hill; hinau: a native tree Hīnau tree hill
Puke-hiwi-tahi puke: hill; hiwi: ridge; tahi: one One-ridge hill
Pukehuhu puke: hill; huhu: grub Huhu grub hill
Pukehuia puke: hill; huia: cluster Cluster of hills
Pukeiti puke: hill; tī: cabbage tree Cabbage tree hill
Pukekāhu puke: hill; kāhu: hawk Hill of the hawk
Pukekaikiore puke: hill; kai: to eat; kiore: rat Hill of the eaten rat
Pukekākāriki puke: hill; kākāriki: parakeet Hill of the parakeet
Pukekāpia puke: hill; kāpia: kauri gum Kauri gum hill
Pukekoikoi puke: hill; koikoi: pointed Pointed hill
Pukekōmā puke: hill; kōmā: light-coloured or bright; or a kind of stone Light-coloured hill
Pukekōwhai puke: hill; kōwhai: native tree Kōwhai tree hill
Pukekura puke: hill; kura: red Red hill
Puke-māeroero puke: hill; māeroero: ogres of the forest Hill of ogres
Pukemaori puke: hill; māori: Māori Māori hill
Pukemarama puke: hill; marama: moon Moon hill
Pukemātāwai puke: hill: mātāwai: source of streams Hill is source of stream
Pukematekeo puke: hill; mate: end; keo: peak The hill at the end of the range
Pukemiro puke: hill; miro: native tree Miro tree hill
Pukemoko puke: hill; moko: tattoo Hill of tattoos
Pukemoremore puke: hill; more; a freshwater fish Hill of many pinbellied freshwater fish
Pukengahu puke: hill; ngahu: point or promontory Hill
Pukenui puke: hill; nui: large Large hill
Pukeokahu puke: hill; o: of; Kahu: personal name Hill of Kahu
Puke-o-Tara puke: hill; o: of; Tara Hill of Tara
Pukepiripiri puke: hill; piripiri: the ‘biddy-bid’ (Acaena anserinifolia) ‘Biddy-bid’ hill
Pukepito puke: hill; pito: end Hill end
Pukepōhatu puke: hill; pōhatu: rock Rock hill
Pukepoto puke: hill; poto: dark blue earth present in a nearby swamp, used as a pigment Dark blue pigment hill
Pukerangi puke: hill; rangi: sky Sky hill
Pukerangiora puke: hill; rangiora: native shrub Rangiora shrub hill
Pukerau puke: hills; rau: a leaf, a hundred or many Hill of leaves
Pukerauaruhe puke: hill; rauaruhe: bracken fronds Hill of bracken fronds
Pukerimu puke: hill; rimu: native tree Rimu tree hill
Pukeora puke: hill; ora: well or in good health Hill of good health
Pukeroa puke: hill; roa: long or tall Tall hill
Pukerua puke: hill; rua: two Two hills
Puketaha puke: hill; taha: side Hill side
Puketāpapa puke: hill; tāpapa: edge or flat-topped Flat-topped hill
Puketapu puke: hill; tapu: sacred or forbidden Sacred hill
Puketawa puke: hill; tawa: native tree Tawa tree hill
Puketī puke: hill; tī: cabbage tree Cabbage tree hill
Puketihi puke: hill; tihi: top or summit Summit of the hill
Puketiro puke: hill; tiro: view View from the hill
Puke-tirohia-marama puke: hill; tirohia: to survey or view; marama: moon Hill giving a view of the moon
Puketoi puke: hill; toi: summit Summit of the hill
Puketōtara puke: hill; tōtara tree  Tōtara hill
Puketūī puke: hill; tūī: native bird Tūī hill
Puketūroto puke: hill; tū: to stand; roto: lake Hillside beside the lake
Puketutu puke: hill; tutu: native shrub (Coriaria arborea) Tutu shrub hill
Pukewhau puke: hill; whau: a native tree Whau tree hill
Pukewhero puke: hill; whero: red Red hill
Pukurahi puku: belly; rahi: large Large belly
Rāhotu rā: sun; hotu: to long for Long for the sun
Rākaunui rākau: tree; nui: many or large Many trees
Rākauroa rākau: tree; roa: tall Tall trees
Ramaroa rama: torch; roa: long Long torch
Ranganui ranga: parade; nui: large Large parade
Rangi-roa rangi: sky; roa: long Long sky
Rānui rā: sun; nui: many Plenty of sunshine
Rapanui rapa: there are many meanings of rapa, including to seek; nui: many Much seeking
Rārangi-roa rārangi: line or row; roa: long Long line
Rāroa rā; day; roa: long Long day
Rātānui rātā: native tree; nui: large or many Many or large rātā trees
Rāwhitiroa rā: sun; whiti: to shine; roa: long Long-shining sun
Reporoa repo: swamp; roa: long or wide Long swamp
Rimunui rimu: native tree; nui: many or large Many or large rimu trees
Rongotai rongo: sound; tai: sea Sound of the sea
Rotoaira roto: lake; a: of; Ira Lake of Ira
Roto-a-Tara roto: lake; a: of; Tara Lake of Tara
Rotoehu roto: lake; ehu: turbid Turbid lake
Rotoiti roto: lake; iti: small Little lake
Rotokākahi roto: lake; kākahi: freshwater shellfish Freshwater shellfish lake
Rotokauri roto: lake; kauri: native tree Kauri tree lake
Rotokawa roto: lake; kawa; bitter Bitter lake
Rotokawau roto: lake; kawau: shag Shag lake
Rotokohu roto: lake; kohu: mist Misty lake
Rotokura roto: lake; kura: red Red glow of sunset on the water
Rotoma roto: lake; ma: clear Clear lake
Rotomahana roto: lake; mahana: warm Warm lake
Rotomanu roto: lake; manu: bird Bird lake
Rotongaro roto: lake; ngaro: hidden or lost Hidden lake
Roto-o-rangi roto: lake; o: of; rangi: sky Lake of the sky
Rotoroa roto: lake; roa: long Long lake
Rotorua roto: lake; rua: two Two lakes
Rototuna roto: lake; tuna: eel Eel lake
Rotowaro roto: lake; waro: coal or glowing embers Lake of glowing embers
Ruapuke Island rua: two; puke: hills Two hill island
Ruaroa rua: cave or pit; roa: long Long pit
Ruawai rua: hole; wai: water Watery hole
Rukumoana ruku: to dive; moana: sea, or deep pool in river Diving into the pool
Tāhaenui tāhae: thief; nui: big or many Many thieves
Taharoa taha: coast; roa: long Long coast
Tahawai taha: side; wai: water Seaside
Tāhekereroa tāheke: waterfall; roa: high or long High waterfall
Tahoraiti tahora: forest clearing; iti: little Little forest clearing
Tāhuhūnui tāhūhū: ridge-pole; nui: large Large ridge-pole
Tāhunanui tāhuna: shoal or sandbank; nui: large Large sandbank
Taiharuru tai: sea; haruru: resounding Resounding sea
Taikorea tai: sea; korea: a small canoe Tide of the small canoe
Taimate tai: tide; mate: dead A salt pool blocked off from the tide
Tainui tai: tide; nui: great Great tide
Tairua tai: tides; rua: two Two tides
Taitapu tai: coast; tapu: sacred Sacred coast
Taitimu tai: tide; timu: to ebb Ebb of the tide
Taitomo tai: sea; tomo: shaft Shaft of the sea
Takahiwai takahi: to trample; wai: water Trample water
Takutai taku: coast; tai: sea Sea coast
Tangimoana tangi: to weep or lament; moana: ocean Weeping sea
Tangiwai tangi: to cry or weep; wai: water Weeping water
Taonui tao: spear; nui: many Large spear
Taoroa tao: spear; roa: long Long spear
Tapuwaeroa tapuwae: footsteps; roa: long Long footsteps
Tātuanui tātua: girdle; nui: large or many Large girdle
Taumarunui taumaru: screen; nui: large Large screen
taumata: brow of a hill; whakatangihanga: place of sounding or playing; kōauau: flute; o: of; Tamatea-pōkai-whenua; ki: to; tana: his; tahu: lover The brow of the hill where Tamatea who travelled all over the land played his flute to his lover
Taumoana tau: to come to rest (and many other meanings); moana: sea Come to rest at sea
Tauranganui taura: landing places; nui: many, great Great landing place
Tauraroa taura: rope; roa: long Long rope
Tawanui tawa: native tree (Beilschmiedia tawa); nui: many Great tawa tree
Tāwharanui tāwhara: flower of the kiekie (Freycinetia banksii); nui: many Many flowers of the kiekie
Te Araroa te: the; ara: path; roa: long The long path
Te Awa te: the; awa: valley or channel The valley
Te Awahou te: the; awa: river; hou: new The new river
Te Awaiti te: the; awa: stream; iti: little The little stream
Te Awa-māeroero te: the; awa: river; māeroero: ogres of the South Island forests The river of the ogres
Te Awamutu te: the; awa: river; mutu: cut off or ended The ended river
Te Awa-parahi te: the; awa: valley; parahi: steep The steep valley
Te Awaure te: the; awa: river; ure: male The male river
Te Haehaenga te: the; haehaenga: torn or lacerated The laceration
Te Hana te: the; hana: glow or gleam The glow
Te Hāpara te: the; hāpara: dawn The dawn
Te Hāparangi te: the; hāparangi The circumstance of shouting
Te Hāpua te: the; hāpua: lagoon The lagoon
Te Hāroto te: the; hāroto: pool The pool
Te Henga te: the; henga: food for a work party The food for a work party
Te Hēnui te: the; hē: amongst its several meanings are wrong, erring, error, difficulty, trouble; nui: big The great mistake
Te Ika-a-Māui te: the; ika: fish; a: of; Māui: a personal name The fish of Māui
Te Ika-a-Ranganui te: the; ika: fish; a: of; Ranganui: a personal name The fish of Ranganui
Te Horo te: the; horo: landslide The landslide
Te Kaha te: the; kaha: rope The rope
Te Kao te: the; kao: dried kūmara The dried kūmara
Te Kauwhata te: the; kau: empty; whata: storehouse The empty storehouse
Te Kawakawa te: the; kawakawa: a native shrub The kawakawa shrub
Te Kōpua te: the; kōpua: deep pool The deep pool
Te Kiri te: the; kiri: bark The bark
Te Kōhanga te: the; kōhanga: nest The nest
Te Kōwhai te: the; kōwhai: a tree The kōwhai tree
Te Mānia te: the; mānia: plain The plain
Te Moana te: the; moana: ocean The sea
Te Moana o Toi te Huatahi te: the; moana: ocean; o: of; Toi te Huatahi The ocean of Toi te Huatahi
Te Moananui te: the; moana: ocean; nui: large The great ocean
Te Moananui-a-Kiwa te: the; moana: ocean; nui: large; a: of; Kiwa The great ocean of Kiwa
Te Onepū te: the; onepū: sand The sand
Te Onewa te: the; one: earth, soil or land; wa: unenclosed country Soil of the unenclosed land
Te Papatapu te: the; papa: flat; tapu: sacred or forbidden The sacred flat
Te Puke te: the; puke: hill The hill
Te Tai Tamāhine te: the; tai: sea, coast; tamāhine: daughter, girl The female coast
Te Tai Tamatāne te: the; tai: sea, coast; tamatāne: son, body The male coast
Te Tai o Marokura te: the; tai: sea, coast; o: of; Marokura The coast of Marokura
Te Tai o Mahaanui te: the; tai: sea, coast; o: of; Mahaanui The coast of Mahaanui
Te Tai o Aorere te: the; tai: sea, coast; o: of; Aorere The coast of Aorere
Te Tai Poutini te: the; tai: sea, coast; Poutini The coast of Poutini
Te Tukeroa te: the ; tuke: elbow or bend; roa: tall The long bend
Te Waharoa te: the; waha: to carry on the back; roa: long The long carry
Te Wai Pounamu te; the; wai: water; pounamu: greenstone The greenstone waters
Te Waiiti te: the; wai: stream; iti: small The little stream
Te Waiopani te: the wai: water; o: of; Pani The water of Pani
Te Wairoa te: the; wai: river or stream; roa: long The long stream
Te Waitere te: the; wai: water; tere: swiftly flowing The swift stream
Te Wēiti te: the; wē: water; iti: little The little water
Te Whare-kai-atua te: the; whare: house; kai: eat; atua: gods The abode that consumes deities
Tīkapa Moana tīkapa: mournful; moana: sea The mournful sea
Tikinui tiki: human representation in wood or stone; nui: large or many The great human carving
Tinui ti: cabbage tree; nui: large or many Many cabbage trees
Tiroa ti: cabbage tree; roa: tall Long cabbage tree
Tiromoana tiro: view; moana: ocean View the sea
Tironui tiro: view; nui: large or expansive Expansive view
Tiroroa tiro: view; roa: long Long view
Titiroa titi: long streaks of cloud; roa: long Long streaks of cloud
Tokanui toka: rock; nui: large or many Large rock
Tokarahi toka: rock; rahi: large or many Many rocks
Tokaroa toka: rock; roa: tall or long Tall rock
Tokoiti toko: pole; iti: small Little pole
Tokoroa toko: pole: roa: long Long pole
Tōmoana tō: to drag or as far up as; moana: ocean Drag to the ocean
Tōtaranui tōtara: trees; nui: many Many tōtara trees
Tunanui tuna: eels; nui: many Many eels
Tūranganui tūranga: standing; nui: great Great standing place
Tūrangaomoana tūranga: standing place; o: of; moana: the sea Resting place of the sea
Tūtaenui tūtae: dung; nui: large Large dung
Umutaoroa umu: oven; taoroa: long spear Oven of the long spear
Urenui ure: courage (a figurative expression); nui: great Great courage
Utuwai utu: dip into, in order to fill a bowl; wai: water Dip into water
Waianiwaniwa wai: water; aniwaniwa: rainbow Rainbow waters
Waiapu wai: water; apu: to swallow Swallowing river
Waiareka wai: water; a: of; reka: sweet or sweetness Sweet water
Waiariari wai: water; ariari: gleaming or undisturbed Gleaming water
Waiariki wai: water; ariki: chief Waters of the chief
Waiaro wai: water; aro: wistful Wistful water
Waiatoto wai: water; a: of; toto: blood Water of blood
Waiau wai: water; au: current Swirling waters
Waiaua wai: water; aua: herring Waters containing herring
Waihaha wai: water; haha: noisy Noisy water
Waihakeke wai: water; hakeke: wood ear fungus Wood ear fungus water
Waihao wai: water; hao: to catch in a net Water of net fishing
Waihao wai: river: hao: a species of small eel Water with eels
Waihaorunga wai: river: hao: a species of small eel; runga: top or upper part Water with eels at the top
Waiharakeke wai: stream; harakeke: flax Flax stream
Waiharuru wai: water; haruru: to reverberate or rumble Rumbling waters
Waihau wai: water; hau: wind Windy water
Waiheke wai: water; heke: to ebb, drip or descend The descending waters
Waihemo wai: water or stream; hemo: to cease The finished stream
Waihīnau wai: stream; hīnau: a native tree Hīnau tree stream
Waihīrere wai: water; hīrere: to rush Rushing waters
Waihōaka wai: stream; hōaka (South Island form of hōanga): sandstone, used for grinding and polishing greenstone Water of sandstone
Waihōhepa wai: stream, water; Hohepa: the Maori form of Joseph The water of Hōhepa
Waihōhonu wai: river; hōhonu: deep Deep water
Waihopo wai: river; hopo: to be apprehensive or doubtful A river one fears to cross
Waihora wai: water; hora: spread out Spread-out waters
Waihōu wai: river; hōu: new New waters
Waihua wai: water; hua: fish roe Fish roe waters
Waihue wai: river; hue: gourd River gourd waters
Wai-iti wai: stream; iti: little Little stream
Waikākā wai: water; kākā: parrot Parrot stream
Waikākāhi wai: water; kākahi: freshwater shellfish Waters of freshwater shellfish
Waikākaho wai: water; kākaho: flowering plumes of the toetoe Waters of the flowering plumes of the toetoe
Waikanae wai: water; kanae: mullet Mullet waters
Waikaraka wai: stream; karaka: native tree Karaka tree stream
Waikarakia wai: stream; karakia: prayer or incantation Stream of ritual
Waikare wai: water; kare: to ripple Rippling waters
Waikareiti wai: water; kare: to ripple or dash; iti: little Little waters
Waikaremoana wai: water; kare: to ripple; moana: sea or large lake Sea of rippling waters
Waikāretu wai: water; kāretu: a sweet-scented grass Waters of the kāretu grass
Waikari wai: water; kari: dig Dig for water
Waikato wai: river; kato: to flow Flowing water
Waikawa wai: water; kawa: bitter Bitter water
Waikawau wai: water; kawau: shag Water of the shag
Waikererū wai: water; kererū: wood pigeon Water of the wood pigeon
Waikeria wai: water; keria: dug out Dug out water
Waikerikeri wai: water; kerikeri: to rush along violently Water that rushes along
Waikiekie wai: water; kiekie: a climbing plant Kiekie waters
Waikino wai: water; kino: unpleasant, stinking Harmful waters
Waikirikiri wai: stream; kirikiri: gravel Gravelly stream
Waikite wai: water; kite: to see or gaze upon Discovered water
Waikiwi wai: stream; kiwi: a flightless nocturnal bird Kiwi waters
Waikōau wai: water; kōau: shag Waters of the shag
Waikohu wai: water; kohu: mist Misty waters
Waikōkopu wai: water; kōkopu: cockabully fish Waters of the cockabully
Waikōkōwai wai: water; kōkōwai: red ochre Waters of the red ochre
Waikorea wai: water; korea: a small canoe Waters of the small canoe
Waikouaiti wai: stream; koua (the poetical form of kua): to become; iti: little Stream which has become small
Waikoukou wai: water; koukou: morepork or native owl Water of the morepork
Waikōwhai wai: stream; kowhai: native tree Kōwhai tree waters
Waikōwhitiwhiti wai: water; kōwhitiwhiti: dancing (of water) Dancing waters
Waikuku wai: water; kuku: freshwater mussel Freshwater mussel waters
Waikumete wai: water; kumete: wooden bowl often used to snare wood pigeons Waters of the kumete bowl
Waikuta wai: water; kuta: rushes Waters of the kuta rushes
Waimā wai: river; mā: white or clear Clear water
Wai-māeroero wai: water; māeroero: ogres of the South Island forests Waters of the ogres of the forests
Waimāhaka wai: waters; māhaka (māhanga): twin Twin waters
Waimahora wai: water; mahora: spread out Spread out waters
Waimahuru wai; stream; mahuru: placid Placid waters
Waimakariri wai: river; makariri: cold Cold river
Waimamaku wai: stream; mamaku: tree-fern Tree-fern stream
Waimana wai: stream; mana: esteem or influence Stream of influence
Waimangaroa wai: river; manga: tributary; roa: long River with a long tributary
Waimangu wai: water; mangu: black Black water
Waimārama wai: water; mārama: clear Clear water
Waimarie wai: water; marie: quiet Quiet water
Waimarino wai: water or stream; marino: calm or still Calm stream
Waimaru wai; water; maru: shade or sheltered Sheltered water
Waimātaitai wai; water; mātaitai: salty or brackish water Salty water
Waimate wai: water; mate: dead, sick or stagnant Stagnant water
Waimatua wai: water; matua: large or important Important water
Waimatuku wai: water; matuku: bittern Bittern water
Waimauku wai: stream; mauku: small ferns Fern water
Waimaunga wai: stream; maunga: mountain Mountain stream
Waimimi wai: stream; mimi: urine Urine stream
Waimiro wai: stream; miro: a native tree Miro stream
Waimotu wai: water or river; motu: island Island stream
Waimumu wai: stream; mumu: boisterous Boisterous stream
Waingake wai: water; ngake: capacious, or the middle section of a fishing net Waters to fill a large net
Waingaro wai: water or stream; ngaro: lost or hidden Lost stream
Waingongoro wai: river; ngongoro: to snore or gurgle Gurgling water
Wainoni wai: stream; noni: bend or turn Bendy stream
Wainui wai: water; nui: large Large waters
Wainuiomata wai: stream; nui: big; o: of; Mata: a personal name Big stream of Mata
Wainuioru wai: water or stream; nui: large; o of; Ru: personal name Large waters of Ru
Waiohau wai: water; o: of; Hau: personal name Waters of Hau
Waiohine wai: river; o: of; Hine River of Hine
Waiomatatini wai: water or stream; o: of; Matatini Stream of Matatini
Waiomio wai: water or stream; o: of; Mio Stream of Mio
Waiomu wai: water or stream; o: of; Mu Stream of Mu
Waione wai: water; one: beach or sand Stream on the beach
Waiongana wai: water or stream; o: of; Ngana Stream of Ngata
Wai-ora-a-Tāne wai: water; ora: life; a: of; Tāne The life-giving water of Tāne
Waiorongomai wai: water or stream; o: of; Rongomai Stream of Rongomai
Waiotahi wai: water or stream; o: of; Tahi Stream of Tahi
Wai-o-taiki te: the; wai: stream; o: of; Taiki Stream of Taiki
Waiotapu wai: water; o: of; tapu: sacred or reserved Sacred waters
Waiotemarama wai: water; o: of; Te Marama Waters of Te Marama
Waiotira wai: water or pool; a: of; tira: to set up sticks for divination Pool of divination
Waiotū wai: water; o: of; Tū: a personal name Waters of Tū
Waiouru wai: river; o:of; uru: west River of the west
Waipā wai: river; pā: fortified village or villages River of fortified villages
Waipahi wai: water; Pahi Stream of Pahi
Waipāhīhī wai: water; pāhīhī: welling up or flowing in driblets Water flowing in driblets
Waipakaru wai: water; pakaru: broken Stream broken through
Waipango wai: water; pango: black Black water
Waipapa wai: stream; papa: flat Stream on flats
Waipapakauri wai: water; papa: flat; kauri: native tree Swampy ground where the kauri grow
Waipaparoa wai: water; papa: flat; roa: long Stream on long flats
Waipara wai: water; para: mud, silt or sediment Silty water
Waipareira wai: water; Pareira Stream of Pareira
Waipari wai: stream; pari: cliff Clifftop stream
Waipati wai: water; pati: shallow or splashing Shallow waters
Waipātiki wai: water; pātiki: flounder Flounder waters
Waipatu wai: water; patu: struck Strike water
Waipeto wai: stream; peto: to be consumed Consumed by the stream
Waipīata wai: water; pīata: glistening or clear Clear water
Waipipi wai: water; pipi: cockle Pipi waters
Waipiro wai: water; piro: evil-smelling Evil-smelling water
Waipōua wai: water; pō: night; ua: rain Water from rain in the night
Waipounamu wai: river; pounamu: greenstone Greenstone waters
Waipōuri wai: water or stream; pōuri: dark or sad. Dark waters
Waipū wai: water; pū: reddish in colour Reddish water
Waipuhinui wai: water; puhi: plume at the bow of a war canoe; nui: large Water of the large canoe bow plume
Waipuku wai: water; puku: to swell Swelling water
Waipukurau wai: stream; pukurau: a large white fungus Stream of the pukurau fungus
Wairākei wai: water; rākei: adorning A place where pools of water were used as mirrors
Wairangi wai: water; rangi: sky Water skies
Wairarapa wai: water; rarapa: glistening Glistening water
Waireka wai: water; reka: sweet Sweet water
Wairepo wai: water; repo; swamp Swampy water
Wairere wai: water or stream; rere: to flow Waterfall
Wairio wai: water or stream; rio: dried up Dried-up stream
Wairoa wai: river or stream; roa: long Long stream
Wairongoā wai: springs; rongoā: medicine Medicinal stream
Wairua wai: stream or river; rua: two Twin waters
Wairuna wai: stream; runa: dock Dock waters
Wairunga wai: water; runga: above Stream that flows from the mountains
Waitaanga wai: stream; a of; Anga Stream of Anga
Waitaha wai: river or stream; taha: to pass on one side Backwater
Waitahanui wai: stream; tahanui: a variety of cabbage tree with broad leaves Stream of cabbage trees
Waitahora wai: water; tahora: spread out or open space Wide-open waters
Waitahu wai: stream; tahu: continuous or running in a straight line Straight-running stream
Waitahuna wai: stream; Tāhuna: a personal name Stream of Tāhuna
Waitai wai: water; tai: salt or brackish Salty water
Waitakaro wai: stream; takaro: to play or wrestle Wrestling waters
Waitakaruru wai: water; takaruru: stagnant Stagnant water
Waitākere wai: water or stream; tākere: deep or cascading Cascading stream
Waitaki wai: river; taki (tangi): noisy or weeping Weeping waters
Waitāne wai: river; tāne: man or men River of men
Waitangi wai: waters; tangi: noisy or weeping Weeping waters
Waitangiruru wai: water or stream; tangi: to sound; ruru: morepork Stream that sounds like a morepork
Waitanguru wai: water; tanguru: rushing rapidly Rapidly rushing water
Waitao wai: water; tao: spear Spear waters
Waitapu wai: water: tapu: sacred or forbidden Sacred waters
Waitaramea wai: stream; taramea: speargrass Speargrass stream
Waitararoa wai:water; tara: sun’s ray or shafts of light; roa: long First rays of the sun appearing on the water
Waitārere wai: stream; tārere: to flow copiously Copiously flowing waters
Waitaria wai: water; taria: to wait for Waters of waiting
Waitaruke wai: stream; taruke: hurrying Hurrying stream
Waitata wai: water; tata: to dash or beat down Dashing stream
Waitawa wai: stream; tawa: tree Tawa tree stream
Waitāwheta wai: water; tāwheta: to flounder Restless stream
Waitekauri wai: stream; te: the; kauri: native tree Stream of the kauri tree
Waitepeka wai: stream; te: the; peka: branch Tributary stream
Waiterimu wai: stream; te: the; rimu: native tree Stream of the rimu tree
Waiteti wai: stream; te: the; tī: cabbage tree Stream of the cabbage tree
Waitetuna wai: stream; te: the; tuna: eel Stream of the eel
Waitiri wai: water or stream; tiri: to toss about or disturb Disturbed stream
Waitoa wai: water; toa: rough or stormy Rough waters
Waitoetoe wai: water or stream; toetoe: native grass Toetoe grass stream
Waitohi wai: water; tohi: baptismal rite Stream for baptismal rite
Waitohu wai: water; tohu: to point out Water that points out the way
Waitoki wai: water; toki: adze Adze waters
Waitomo wai: water; tomo: shaft Shafts from water
Waitoriki wai: water; tōriki: little Small stream
Waitōtara wai: river; tōtara: native tree Tōtara tree river
Waituhi wai: water; tuhi: to glow Glowing waters
Waitūī wai: water; tūī: bird Tūī waters
Waituna wai: stream; tuna: eel Eel stream
Waiuku wai: stream; uku: white clay Stream with banks of white clay
Waiuta wai: river; uta: inland, or to load a burden Inland river
Waiwawa wai: stream; wawa: roaring Roaring stream
Waiwera wai: water; wera: hot Hot water
Wai-whakaata wai: water; whakaata: to reflect Reflecting waters
Waiwhero wai: water; whero: red Red waters
Waiwhetū wai: stream; whetū: star Star-reflecting stream
Waiwhio wai: stream; whio: blue or whistling duck Stream of the blue duck
Waiwhiu wai: stream; whiu: sudden bend Sudden bend in the stream
Wakanui waka: canoe; nui: large or many Many waka
Waronui waro: chasm or coals; nui: large Large coals
Waitētē wai: stream; tētē: shovel-nosed duck, now extinct Shovel-nosed duck stream
Wēiti wē: liquid or water; iti: little Little waters
Whakaari whakaari: To show or expose to view Expose to view
Whakaroa Whaka (South Island form of whanga): harbour or bay; roa: long Long harbour
Whangakoko whanga: harbour; koko: corner, or to take up with a shovel Shovelled harbour
Whangamarino whanga: stretch of water; marino: peaceful Peaceful harbour
Whangamata whanga: harbour; mata: obsidian Obsidian harbour
Whangamoa whanga: valley or sheltered place; moa: probably the raised mounds in a plantation Valley with raised mounds in plantation
Whangamomona whanga: valley; momona: fat Bountiful valley
Whanganui whanga: bay; nui: large Large harbour
Whanganui-o-Hei whanga: bay; nui: large; o: of; Hei Large harbour of Hei
Whangapara whanga: harbour; para: sediment Sedimentary harbour
Whangaparāoa whanga: bay; parāoa: whale Whale bay
Whangapē whanga: to wait; pē: fish roe Fish roe harbour
Whangapoua whanga: bay or harbour; poua: a mollusc Mollusc harbour
Whangarā whanga: bay; rā: sun Sunny bay
Whangarātā whanga: valley; rātā: native tree Rātā tree valley
Whangarei whanga: waiting; rei: abbreviation of Reipae Waiting for Reipae
Whangaripo whanga: stretch of water; ripo: deep pool or whirlpool Deep stretch of water
Whangaroa whanga: harbour; roa: long Long harbour
Whangaruru whanga: harbour; ruru: morepork Morepork harbour
Whangateau whanga: harbour; te: the; au: current, smoke or mist Harbour of smoke
Whangatoetoe whanga: bay; toetoe: native grass Toetoe grass bay
Whānui whānui: wide Wide-open waters
Whareroa whare: house; roa: long Long house
Whāro One-roa-a-Tohe whāro: stretched out; one: beach; roa: long; a: of; Tohe, a chief The beach on which Tōhē stretched out
Whataroa whata: elevated stage: roa: long or tall Long, elevated stage
Whekenui wheke: octopus; nui: large Great octopus
Whenuanui whenua: land; nui: large Great land
Whenuapai whenua: land; pai: good Good land
Whānui whānui: broad or wide Wide
Wharanui wharanui: species of flax Wharanui flax
Whare whare: house House
Whareakeake whare: house; akeake: poor land, or a species of tree House on poor land
Whareama whare: house; ama: carved posts supporting the maihi House of carved posts
Wharehine whare: house; hine: girls or young women House of young women
Wharehuanui whare: house; huanui: road or path House by a path
Wharehuia whare: house; huia (the possessive case of hui): assembled House of assembly
Wharehunga whare: house; hunga: company of people Meeting house, or meeting of people in a house
Wharekaho whare: house; kaho: fence rail Enclosed palisade
Wharekākā whare: probably nesting place; kākā: parrots Nesting place of parrots
Wharekōpae whare: house; kōpae: circular House with a side door
Wharekōwhiti whare: house; kō: father side; whiti: to cross Cross to house on the far side
Whareongaonga whare: house; ongaonga: nettle Nettle house
Whareora whare: house; ora: safe or in good health House of good health
Wharepāina whare: house; pāina: to warm oneself House to warm oneself
Wharepapa whare: house; papa: flat House flats
Wharepoa whare: house: poa: smouldering or smoking Smouldering house
Whareponga whare: house; ponga: tree-fern Tree-fern house
Wharerātā whare: house; rātā: native tree House among the rātā trees
Whatamangō whata: elevated food store: mangō (the same word as makō): shark A stage for storing dried shark flesh
Whatatutu whata: elevated food platform; tutu: native tree or bush Storage platform among the tutu bushes
Whatawhata whata: elevated food platform Elevated food platforms
Whatitiri whatitiri: thunder Thunder
Whatiwhatihoe whatiwhati: to break in pieces; hoe: paddle Paddle broken into pieces
Whau whau: a native tree Whau tree
Whāwhārua whāwhā: to feel about; rua: pit Grope about in kūmara pit
Whenuahōu whenua: land; hōu: new New land
Whenuakite whenua: land; kite: discover Discovered land
Whenuakura whenua: land; kura: red Red land
Whetūkura whetū: star; kura: red Red star
Whitianga whitianga: the crossing The crossing (of a river)
Whitikau whiti: to cross; kau: to wade Wade across

This list of place names and their meanings is a sample of approximately 4000 Māori place names on which we have information.  

It has been developed using a number of resources, including:

  • Bateman New Zealand historical atlas: ko papatuanuku e takoto nei, Bateman, Auckland, 1997
  • Te Aue Davis, He Korero Purakau mo nga taunahanahatanga a nga tupuna = Place names of the ancestors: a Maori oral history atlas, New Zealand Geographic Board, Wellington, 1990
  • A.W. Reed, The Reed dictionary of New Zealand place names, Reed, 1975
  • Te Ara: Encyclopedia of New Zealand
  • T. Turoa and Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal, Te Takoto o te Whenua o Hauraki = Hauraki landmarks, Reed, Auckland, 2000

For some other well-known place names, see the Ingoa Wāhi o Aotearoa interactive map on the Kōrero Māori website.

For further information about Māori place names, see the Te Ara entry on Māori place names and Māori and Pākehā names in the Te Ara Places entry.

How to cite this page

'1000 Māori place names', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/culture/maori-language-week/1000-maori-place-names, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 4-Jul-2016