Place name
Ahuroa |
ahu: mound; roa: long |
Long mound |
Aoroa |
ao: cloud; roa: long |
Long cloud |
Aotearoa |
ao: cloud; tea: white; roa: long |
Land of the long white cloud |
Aramoana |
ara: path; moana: sea |
Sea pathway |
Aranui |
ara: path; nui: great |
Great pathway |
Arapae |
ara: path; pae: ridgeway |
Pathway along the ridge |
Arapito |
ara: path; pito: end or extremity |
End of the path |
Arapōhue |
ara: path; pōhue: climbing plant |
Path of the climbing plant |
Arapuni |
ara: path; puni: blocked or covered |
Blocked path |
Ararātā |
ara: path; rātā: native tree |
Rātā tree path |
Ararimu |
ara: path; rimu: native tree |
Rimu tree path |
Ararua |
ara: path; rua: two |
Two paths |
Arataha |
ara: path; taha: side |
Side path |
Aratapu |
ara: path; tapu: sacred or restricted |
Sacred path |
Aratiatia Lakes, Aratiatia Rapids |
ara: path; tiatia: pegs |
Pegged ladder |
Aratika |
ara: path; tika: correct or straight |
Direct path |
Aratoro |
ara: path; toro: discover |
Path of discovery |
Aropaonui |
aro: kidney fat; paoa: to bash |
Bashed kidney fat |
Aukati |
au: line; kati: block |
Frontier |
Auripo |
au: current; ripo: whirlpool, or eddying |
Eddying current |
Auroa |
au: cloud or mist; roa: long |
Long cloud |
Awa |
awa: river |
River |
Awahōhonu River |
awa: river; hōhonu: deep |
Deep river |
Awahōu |
awa: river; hōu: new |
New river |
Awaiti |
awa: river; iti: little |
Little river |
Awa-kāeaea |
awa: valley or stream; kāeaea: the sparrow-hawk |
Sparrow-hawk stream |
Awakeri |
awa: river; keri: dig |
Ditch or trench |
Awakino |
awa: river; kino: bad, evil, or of bad appearance |
Bad creek |
Awamangu |
awa: river; mangu: black |
Black river |
Awamarino |
awa: stream; marino: calm |
Calm stream |
Awamoana |
awa: stream; moana: sea |
Sea stream |
Awamoko |
awa: stream; moko: lizard |
Lizard stream |
Awanui |
awa: river; nui: large |
Large river |
Awapikopiko |
awa: stream; pikopiko: winding about |
Winding stream |
Awapuni |
awa: stream; puni: blocked up |
Blocked-up river |
Awarere |
awa: stream; rere: to flow |
Flowing stream |
Awariki |
awa: river; riki: small |
Little river |
Awaroa |
awa: river or valley; roa: long |
Long river |
Awarua |
awa: stream or river; rua: two |
Two streams |
Awatere River |
awa: river; tere: swift |
Swift river |
Awatoitoi |
awa: stream; toitoi: giant bully |
Giant bully stream |
Awatōtō |
awa: stream; tōtō: hauling place |
Stream for hauling (canoes) |
Awatuna |
awa: stream; tuna: eel |
Eel stream |
Eketāhuna |
eke: run aground or land; tāhuna: sandbank |
Land on the sandbank |
Epiha |
Māori form of biblical name Ephesus |
Ephesus |
Erua |
e: used before cardinal numbers from two to nine; rua: two |
Two |
Hāpua-waikawa |
hāpua: pool; wai: water; kawa: bitter |
Pool of bitter water |
Haumoana |
hau: wind; moana: sea |
Sea breeze |
Haunui |
hau: wind; nui: big or many |
Strong wind |
Hiwinui |
hiwi: ridge; nui: big |
Big ridge |
Hokanui |
hoka: projecting sharply upwards; nui: large |
Large projection |
Houipapa |
houi: lacebark; papa: flat |
Ribbonwood flat |
Houpoto |
hou: feathers; poto: short |
Short feathers |
Hukanui |
huka: foam, frost or snow; nui: big |
Heavy snow |
Hukerenui |
hukere: cascade; nui: large |
Large cascade |
Hurimoana |
huri: to overflow; moana: ocean |
Overflowing ocean |
Ihumātao |
ihu: nose; mātao: cold |
Cold nose |
Ihumoana |
ihu: nose; moana: sea |
Nose into the sea |
Ikawai |
ika: fish; wai: water |
Waters of fish
Kā Pukehore |
A descriptive name, kā (ngā): the; puke: hill; hore: bare (the peaks were bare
of vegetation) |
The bare hills |
Kā Pukemāeroero |
kā (ngā): the; puke: hill; māeroero: ogres of the South Island forests |
The hill of ogres |
Kaharoa |
kaha: net; roa: long |
Large net |
Kaiata |
kai: to eat: ata: early morning |
Eating in the morning |
Kaiaua |
kai: to eat; aua: mullet or herrings |
Eating mullets |
Kai-Hau-o-Kupe |
kai: to eat; hau: wind; o: of; Kupe |
The place where Kupe ‘ate wind’ |
Kaihiku |
kai: te eat; hiku: tail of a fish |
Eating a fish tail |
Kaihinu |
kai: food; hinu: fat |
Food preserved in fat |
Kaihu |
An abbreviation of kai-hu-a-Ihenga, kai: to eat; hu: secretly; a: of; Ihenga
Eat secretly |
Kaikarae |
kai: food; karae: seabird |
Eat a seabird |
Kaikōura |
kai: to eat; koura: crayfish |
Eat crayfish |
Kaikūmera Bay |
kai: to eat; kūmera (alternate spelling of kūmara): sweet potato |
Eat kūmara |
Kaimāī |
kai: food or to eat; māī: mussels, or slightly fermented food |
Eat fermented food |
Kaimamaku |
kai: food or to eat; mamaku: edible tree-fern |
Eat edible tree-fern |
Kaimanawa Mountains |
kai: food or to eat; manawa: breath (also meaning heart or emotion) |
Breath for food |
Kaimangō |
kai: food or to eat; mangō: shark |
Eating shark |
Kaimata |
kaimata: unripe or uncooked food |
Eat raw food |
Kaimātaitai |
kai: food; mātaitai: salty |
Eat seafood |
Kaimaumau |
kai: food; maumau: to waste |
Eat food |
Kaimiro |
kai: food or to eat; miro: a tree |
Eat miro berries |
Kainamu |
kai: to eat; namu: sandflies |
Eat sandflies |
Kāingaroa |
kāinga: area of land; roa: long |
Long area of land |
Kāingaroa Plain |
Kāinga: place where food has been cooked and eaten; roa: long |
Long meal |
Kaipākirikiri |
kai: food; pākirikiri: rock cod |
Eating rock cod |
Kaipara Flats |
kai: te eat; para: fern-root |
Eat fern-root |
Kaiparoro |
kai: to eat; paroro: bad weather |
Eating up bad weather |
Kaipō Bay |
kai: to eat; pō: night |
Eat night |
Kaipuke |
kai: to eat; puke: swell, flood |
Ship (wave eater) |
Kaipūpū |
kai: food; pūpū: shellfish |
Eat shellfish |
Kairākau |
kai: to eat; rākau: wood. |
Eat wood |
Kairaki |
kai: eat; raki (South Island form of rangi); sky |
Sky eater |
Kairara |
kai: food; rara: to be spread out on a stage for drying in the sun |
Food spread out on a stage to dry |
Kairua |
kai: food; rua: pit |
Food pit |
Kaitakata |
South Island variant of Kaitangata – kai: to eat; tangata: man |
Man eater (South Island form) |
Kaitangata |
kai: to eat; tangata: man |
Man eater |
Kaitangiweka |
kai: food; tangi: to cry; weka: wood hen |
Crying of the weka for food |
Kaitapeha |
kai: to eat; tapeha: rind or skin |
Eat the rind |
Kaitawa |
kai: food; tawa: tree or berries |
Eat tawa berries |
Kaitieke |
kai: to eat; tieke: the saddleback bird |
Eat the saddleback bird |
Kaitoke |
kai: to eat, or food; take: worm |
Eat worms |
Kaitoki |
kai: food; toki: adze |
Food for the adze |
Kaituna |
kai: to eat; tuna: eel |
Eat eels |
Kai-waha-onepū |
kai: food; waha: mouth; onepū: sand |
Biting the sand |
Kaiwaka |
kai: to eat; waka: canoe |
Eating the canoes |
Kaiwera |
kai: food; wera: hot |
Hot food |
Kaiwharawhara |
kai: food or to eat; wharawhara: the fruit of the astelia |
Eat the fruit of the astelia |
Kakīroa |
kakī: neck or throat; roa: large |
Long neck |
Kararoa |
kara: this word has many meanings, one of which is old man; roa: tall |
Tall elderly man |
Kauroa |
kau: to swim; roa: long |
Long swim |
Kereone |
kere: earth; one: sand or sandy |
Sandy earth |
Kererū |
kererū: wood pigeon |
Wood pigeon |
Keteketerau |
ketekete: click the tongue; rau: many times |
Click the tongue repeatedly |
Ketetahi springs |
Kete: basket; tahi: one |
One spring |
Kihikihi |
kihikihi: cicada |
Cicada |
Kihitū |
kihi: to strip off; tū: girdle or belt to which a maro (loincloth) was attached
Strip off the girdle |
Kioreroa |
kiore: native rat; roa: long |
Long rat |
Kirkiriroa |
kirikiri: gravel; roa: long |
Long gravel |
Kiwinui |
kiwi: bird; nui: many |
Many kiwi birds |
Kōhīnui |
kōhī: dark mud (used in dyeing), heavy rain, skeleton, youth, etc.; nui: large,
many or plenty |
Plenty of dark mud |
Kohukohunui |
Lit: kohukohu: mist; nui: big or many |
Great mist |
Kōpūtai |
kōpū: full; tai: tide |
Full tide |
Kōputaroa |
kōputa: snare for catching parakeets; roa: long |
Long snare for catching parakeets |
Kōpūwai |
kōpū: belly or full; wai: water |
Water swallower |
Korakonui |
korako: albino; nui: big |
Large albino (bird) |
Kororāreka |
kororā: blue penguin; reka: sweet or tasty |
Tasty blue penguin |
Kōtuku |
kōku: white heron |
White heron |
Kōtuku-moana |
kōtuku: white heron; moana: lake |
Lake of white herons |
Kōurarau |
kōura: crayfish; rau: many |
Many crayfish |
Koutunui |
koutu: headland; nui: large |
Large headland |
Kumeroa |
kume: to pull; roa: long |
Long drag |
Kuranui |
kura: red; nui: large red birds |
Big red (birds) |
Makakahikatoa |
maka: strike; kahikatoa: red mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium) or more probably a
weapon made from this wood |
Striking with mānuka stick |
Makarānui |
makarā: to come and go; nui: many |
Much coming and going |
Mākikihi |
ma: stream; kikihi: cicada (Amphipsalta cingulata) |
Cicada stream |
Mākirikiri |
ma: stream: kirikiri: gravel |
Gravelly stream |
Mākōhine Valley |
mā: stream; kōhine: girl |
Young woman's stream |
Mākōtuku |
mā: stream; kōtuku: white heron |
White heron stream |
Mākōwhai |
Mā: stream; kōwhai: tree |
Kōwhai tree stream |
Mākurī |
mā: stream; kurī: dog |
Dog stream |
Māmāranui |
mā: stream; māra: farm or cultivation; nui: large or many |
Stream for many gardens |
Manaroa |
mana: power or prestige; roa: great or long |
Enduring prestige |
Mangaharakeke |
manga: stream; harakeke: flax bush |
Stream of flax |
Mangahoe |
manga: stream; hoe: canoe paddle |
Stream of canoe paddles |
Mangahouhounui Stream |
manga: stream; houhou: five-finger tree; nui: large or many |
Stream of many five finger trees |
Mangaiti |
manga: stream; iti: tiny |
Small stream |
Mangakāhia |
manga: stream; kāhia or kōhia: native passion vine |
Stream of New Zealand passionfruit |
Mangakino |
manga: stream; kino: bad, usless or stagnant |
Stagnant stream |
Mangakura |
manga: stream; kura: red or red ochre |
Stream of red ochre |
Mangamāhoe |
manga: stream; māhoe: native tree, whiteywood (Melicytus ramiflorus) |
Māhoe stream |
Mangamahu |
manga: stream; mahu: gentle |
Gentle stream |
Mangamaire |
manga: stream; maire: native tree |
Maire stream |
Mangamuka |
manga: stream; muka: the furled shoot of the nīkau palm |
Stream of the furled shoot of the nīkau palm |
Mangamutu |
manga: stream; mutu: finished |
Finished stream |
Mangangarongaro: Mangangarongaro Stream |
manga: stream; ngarongaro: somewhat abated |
Abated stream |
Manganui-a-te-Ao |
manga: stream; nui: great; a: of; te: the; ao: world |
Great stream of the world |
Mangaohae |
manga: stream o: of; Hae |
The stream of Hae |
Mangaohutu |
manga: stream; o: of; Hutu |
The stream of Hutu |
Mangaonoho |
manga: stream; o: of; Noho |
The stream of Noho |
Mangaorapa |
manga: stream; o: of; Rapa |
The stream of Rapa |
Mangaore |
manga: stream; ore: to poke with a stick, or to bore a hole |
The stream where a hole was bored |
Mangaotaki |
manga: stream; o: of; taki: oratory or to make a speech |
Stream of oratory |
Mangaowera: Mangaowera Stream |
manga: stream; o: of; Wera |
The stream of Wera |
Mangapai |
manga: stream; pai: good |
Good stream |
Mangapēhi |
manga: stream; pēhi: troubled |
Stream of trouble |
Mangapiko |
manga: stream; piko: bent or crooked |
Winding stream |
Mangapōuri |
manga: stream; pōuri: dark |
Dark stream |
Mangapu |
manga: stream; pū: double |
Double stream |
Mangapuaka |
manga: stream ; puaka: bird snare or rimu tree |
Bird snare stream |
Mangapūrua |
manga: stream; pūrua: abundant or plenty |
Abundant stream |
Mangarakau |
manga: stream; rākau: tree |
Stream of trees |
Mangaramarama |
manga: stream; ramarama: native shrub |
Stream of the ramarama shrub |
Mangarapa |
manga: stream; rapa: broad or spread out |
Broad stream |
Mangarātā |
manga: stream; rata: native tree |
Rātā stream |
Mangarawa |
manga: stream; rawa: swamp |
Swampy stream |
Mangarimu |
manga: stream; rimu: native tree |
Rimu stream |
Mangaroa |
manga: stream; roa: long |
Long stream |
Mangatahi |
manga: stream; tahi: single |
Single stream |
Mangatainoka |
manga: stream; tainoka: native broom |
Native broom stream |
Mangatangi |
manga: stream; tangi: weeping or sounding |
Stream of weeping |
Mangatapu |
manga: stream; tapu: sacred or forbidden |
Sacred stream |
Mangatarata |
manga: stream; tarata: native tree known as lemonwood |
Lemonwood stream |
Mangatāwhiri |
manga: stream; tāwhiri: native tree |
Tāwhiri tree stream |
Mangatea |
manga: stream; tea: white or clear |
Clear stream |
Mangateparu |
manga: stream; te: the paru: mud, dirt, dirty or deep |
Stream of mud |
Mangatepopo |
manga: stream; te: the; popo: anything rotten or decayed |
Stream of rotten items |
Mangateretere |
manga: stream; teretere: swiftly flowing |
Swiftly flowing river |
Mangatī |
manga: stream; tī: cabbage tree |
Cabbage-tree stream |
Mangatina |
manga: stream; tina: exhausted |
Exhausted at the stream |
Mangatoetoe |
manga: stream; toetoe: native grass |
Toetoe stream |
Mangatuna |
manga: stream; tuna: eel |
Eel stream |
Mangawara |
manga: stream; wara: to make an indistinct sound |
Quiet stream |
Mangaweka: |
manga: stream; weka: wood-hen |
Weka stream |
Mangawhata |
manga: stream; whata: a raised storehouse for food |
Raised storehouse stream |
Mangawhero |
manga: stream; whero: red |
Red stream |
Mangōnui |
mangō: shark; nui: large or many |
Great shark |
Mānia-rauhea |
mānia: plain of flat land; rauhea: tussock grass |
Plain of shining tussock |
Māniatoto |
mānia: plain; o: of; toto: blood |
Plain of blood |
Māniatutu |
mānia: plain; tutu: a native tree |
Tutu-tree plain |
Mānui |
mā: stream; nui: large |
Large stream |
Maraenui |
marae: courtyard or meeting area; nui: large |
Great marae |
Maraeroa |
marae: courtyard or meeting area; roa: long |
Long marae |
Maraetai |
marae: courtyard or meeting area; tai: coast |
Coastal marae |
Māraroa |
māra: cultivated area; roa: long, long lasting |
Long lasting cultivations |
Matakanui |
mata: face; ka: blow or scar; nui: large |
Scarred face of a large cliff |
Mataroa |
mata: headland or bluff; roa: long |
Long headland |
Maunga Mā |
maunga: mountain; mā: white |
White mountain |
Maunga-atua |
maunga: mountain; atua: gods |
Mountain of the gods |
Maungaharuru |
maunga: mountain; haruru: to rumble |
Rumbling mountain |
Maungahaumi |
maunga: mountain; haumi: timber to lengthen or raise the sides of a canoe |
Mountain of canoe timber |
Maungakaramea |
maunga: mountain; karamea: red ochre or speargrass |
Red ochre mountain |
Maungakiekie |
maunga: mountain; kiekie: a climbing plant |
Kiekie plant mountain |
Maunganui |
maunga: mountain; nui: tall or large |
Large mountain |
Maungapōhatu |
maunga: mountain; pōhatu: rock or stone |
Rocky mountain |
Maungaraki |
maunga: mountain or mountains; raki: north |
Northern mountain |
Maungaroa |
maunga: mountain; roa: long |
Long mountain |
Maungataketake |
maunga: mountain; taketake: base, long-established or well-founded |
Broad mountain |
Maungataniwha |
maunga: mountain; taniwha: supernatural creature |
Taniwha mountain |
Maungatāpere |
maunga: mountain; tāpere: red, volcanic earth |
Mountain of red volcanic earth |
Maungatapu |
maunga: mountain; tapu: sacred or forbidden |
Sacred mountain |
Maungatautari |
maunga: mountain; tautari: an upright stick |
Mountain of the upright stick |
Maungatī |
maunga: mountain; tī: cabbage tree |
Cabbage tree mountain |
Maungatua |
maunga: mountain; a: of; atua: god |
Mountain of the gods |
Maungatūroto |
maunga: mountain; tū: to stand; roto: lake |
Mountain standing up in lagoons |
Maungawera |
maunga: mountain; wera: burnt or hot |
Burnt mountain |
Maungawhau |
maunga: mountain; whau: a native tree |
Whau tree mountain |
Māwheranui |
Māwhera: open, widesread; nui: large (referring particularly to the river
mouth). |
Broad and widespread (river mouth) |
Mititai |
miti: to lick; tai: tide |
Lick the tide |
Moana |
Ocean or large lake |
Ocean |
Moanariri |
moana: sea; riri: to be angry or to fight |
Angry sea |
Moanaroa |
moana: ocean; roa: large or broad |
Broad sea |
Moanawhenuapōuri |
moana: sea; whenua: land; pōuri: sad or dark |
Sombre arm of the sea |
Moeroa |
moe: to sleep; roa: long |
Long sleep |
Mōkihinui |
mōkihi: raft made of flax stalks; nui: large |
Large flax-stalk raft |
Mokoroa |
moko: tattoo; roa: long |
Long tattoo |
Mokoroa: Mokoroa Stream |
moko: lizard; roa; long |
Long lizard |
Motuara: Motuara Island |
motu: island; ara: path |
Island in the path (of a canoe) |
Motuarohia: Motuarohia Island |
motu:island; arohia: reconnoitred |
Reconnoitred island |
Motukairangi |
motu: island; kairangi: wonderful, chief, or wandering |
Wonderful island |
Motukaraka |
motu: clump of trees; karaka: native tree |
Clump of karaka trees |
Motukāranui |
Motu: island; karā: basalt; nui: large |
Island of large basalt stone |
Motukauatiiti |
motu: grove of trees; kauati: rubbing stick for firemaking; iti: little |
Little clump of trees used for fire sticks |
Motukauatirahi |
motu: grove of trees; kauati: rubbing stick for firemaking; rahi: large |
Large clump of trees used for fire sticks |
Motukauri: Motukauri Island |
motu: island; kauri: native tree |
Clump of kauri trees |
Motukiekie |
motu: island; kiekie: a native plant |
Kiekie island |
Motukina |
motu: island or isolated headland; kina: sea urchin |
Kina island |
Motukiore |
motu: island; kiore: native rat |
Rat island |
Motukokopu |
motu: island; kokopu: cockabully fish |
Cockabully island |
Motumāhanga |
motu: island; māhanga: twin |
Twin islands |
Motumaire |
motu: island; maire: native tree |
Maire island |
Motumaoho |
motu: clump of trees; maoho: to intrude |
Intruding clump of trees |
Motunau |
motu: island; nau: scurvy grass |
Scurvy grass island |
Motungārara |
motu: island; ngārara: lizard |
Lizard island |
Motunui |
motu: island; nui: large |
Large island |
Motuoapa |
motu: island or grove of trees; o: of; Apa |
Grove of trees belonging to Apa |
Motu-o-Kura |
motu: island; o: of; Kura |
Island of Kura |
Motuopuhi: Motuopuhi Island |
motu: island; o: of; Puhi |
Island of Puhi |
Motuoroi: Motuoroi Island |
motu: island; o: of; Roi |
Island of Roi |
Motuotaraia |
motu: isolated area; o: of; Taraia |
Isolated area of Taraia |
Motupipi |
motu: island; pipi: common edible shellfish |
Pipi island |
Motupiu |
motu: island; piu: to swing |
Swinging island |
Moturoa |
motu: island; roa: long |
Long island |
Motutaiko |
motu: island; taiko: petrel |
Island of the black petrel |
Motutapu: Motutapu Island |
motu: island; tapu: sacred or forbidden |
Sacred island |
Motutara: Motutara Island |
motu: island; tara: gull |
Gull island |
Motutawa |
motu: island; tawa: a tree |
Tawa tree island |
Motutere |
motu: island; tere: to float |
Floating island |
Muritai |
muri: breeze; tai: sea or tide |
Sea breeze |
Muriwai |
muri: end; wai: water |
Waters’ end |
Ngākawau |
ngā: the; kauwau: shags |
The shags |
Ngāmatapōuri |
ngā: the; matapōuri: black teal |
The black teals |
Ngāmoko |
ngā: the; moko: lizards |
The lizards |
Ngāmotu |
ngā: the; motu: islands |
The islands |
Ngāpōhatu |
ngā: the; pōhatu: rocks |
The rocks |
Ngāpuhi |
ngā: the; puhi: plumes |
The plumes |
Ngāpuna |
ngā; the; puna: springs |
The springs |
Ngārimu Bay |
ngā: the; rimu: native tree |
The rimu trees |
Ngāroma |
nga: the; roma: currents |
The currents |
Ngaionui |
ngaio: a native tree; nui: large or many |
Great ngaio tree |
Ngāpuke |
ngā: the; puke: hills |
The hills |
Ngāroto |
ngā: the; roto: lakes |
The lakes |
Ngātira |
ngā; the; tira: parties of travellers |
The parties of travellers |
Ngātuku |
ngā: the; tuku: ridges of a hill |
The ridges of a hill |
Ngāūranga |
ngā: the; ūranga: landing place for canoes |
The landing place for canoes |
Ngāurukehu |
ngā: the; urukehu: red-haired, fair-skinned Māori |
The red-haired, fair-skinned Māori |
Ngāwaka |
ngā: the; waka: canoes |
The canoes |
Ngāwaro |
ngā: the; waro: burning coals |
The burning coals |
Ngāwhā |
ngāwhā: hot springs |
The hot springs |
Ngāwhatu |
ngā: the; whatu: eyes |
The eyes |
Ngāwī |
ngā: the; wī: native tussock grass |
The native tussock grass |
Ngutunui |
ngutu: lip; nui: big |
Big lips |
Nukumānia |
nuku: wide extent; mānia: plains |
Wide plains |
Nukuroa |
nuku: to move; roa: long |
Long travles |
Ōamaru |
ō: place; a: of; Maru |
The place of Maru |
Ōaonui |
ō: place of; ao: clouds: nui: many |
Place of many clouds |
Ōaro |
ō: place of; aro: front |
Front-facing place |
Ōeo |
ō: place of; eo: louse or lice |
Place of lice |
Ōhaeawai |
ō: place of; haeawai: thermal waters |
Place of thermal waters |
Ōhakune |
ō: place of; hakune: to be careful |
Place of care |
Ōhāngai |
ō: place of; hāngai: opposite, across, or at right angles |
Opposite place |
Ōhau |
ō: place of; Hau |
Place of Hau |
Ōhauiti |
ō: place of; hau: wind; iti: little |
Place of little wind |
Ōhaupō |
ō: place of; hau: wind; pō: night |
Place of a breeze at night |
Ōhawe |
ō: place of; hawe: bend in a river or path |
Place of many (river) bends |
Ōhikaiti |
ō: place of; hika: a rite involving certain incantations; iti: small |
The place of small incantations |
Ōhikanui |
ō: place of; hika: a rite involving certain incantations; nui: large |
The place of large incantations |
Ōhinekura |
Named after Hinekura |
Place of Hinekura |
Ōhinepanea |
ō: place of; Hinepanea: probably a personal name |
Place of Hinepanea |
Ōhinerau |
ō: place of; Hinerau, the goddess of whirlwinds |
Place of Hinerau |
Ōhinerehia |
ō: place of; Hinerehia, a legendary creature or mermaid. |
Place of Hinerēhia |
Ōhingahape |
ō: place of; hinga: fall; hape: crooked foot |
Place of a slip causing a crooked foot |
Ōhiwa |
ō: place of; hiwa: watchful or alert |
Place of alertness |
Ōhoka |
ō: place of; hoka: a stake to which a decoy kākā (parrot) was tied. Earlier
spelt Hohoka |
Place of the stake for a decoy parrot |
Ōhope |
ō: place of; hope (or ope): main body of an army |
Place of main body of an army |
Ōhotu |
ō: place of; hotu: fifteenth night of the moon |
Place of fifteenth night of the moon |
Ōhoukākā |
ō: place of; hou: feather; kākā: parrot |
Place of the parrot feather |
Ōhura |
ō: place of; hura: to uncover, or uncovered spot |
Place which is uncovered |
Ōihi |
ō: place of; ihi: power or authority |
Place of spiritual power |
Ōio |
ō: place of; io: spur |
Place of the spur |
Ōkahu |
ō: place of; Kahu |
Place of Kahu |
Ōkahukura |
ō: place of; Kahukura: atua related to rainbow |
Place of Kahukura |
Ōkahutai |
ō: place; kahu: garment; tai: tide |
Place of cloaking waters |
Ōkaihae |
ō: place of; kai: food; hae: to dislike |
Place of disliked food |
Ōkaihau |
ō: place of; kai: to eat or food; hau: wind |
Place of feast of the winds |
Ōkarae |
ō: place of; karae: a seabird |
Place of the seabird |
Ōkarahia |
ō: place of; karahia: assistance called for in war, in this case in vain |
Place of a call for assistance |
Ōkareka |
ō: food for a long journey; kareka: sweet or tasty |
Sweet food for a long journey |
Ōkārito |
ō: place of; karito: young shoots of the bulrush or raupō |
Place of young shoots of the bulrush |
Ōkataina |
ō: place of; kataina: laughter |
Place of laughter |
Ōkato |
ō: place of; Kato: a personal name |
Place of Kato |
Ōkau |
ō: place of; kau: to swim |
Place of swimming |
Ōkauia |
ō: place of; kauia: articles threaded on string or on a stick |
Place of articles threaded on a stick |
Ōkawa |
ō: place of; kawa: bitter |
Place of bitter (water) |
Ōkehu |
ō: place of; Kehu: a personal name |
Place of Kehu |
Ōkere |
ō: place of; kere: to drift or float |
Place of drifting |
Ōkete |
ō: place of; kete: basket |
Place of baskets |
Ōkiato |
ō: place of; kīato: a receptacle for holding sacred objects |
Place of receptable for holding sacred objects |
Ōkiwi |
ō: place of; kiwi: native bird |
Place of the kiwi |
Ōkiwi |
ō: place of; Kiwi |
Place of Kiwi |
Ōkoki |
ō: place of; koki: a small canoe |
Place of a small canoe |
Ōkoroire |
ō: place of; koroire: ring-necked native duck, now extinct |
Place of the koroire duck |
Ōkōtuku |
ō: place of; kōtuku: white heron |
Place of the white heron |
Ōkupu |
ō: place of; kupu: message |
Place of a message |
Ōkura |
ō: place; kura: red |
Place of red (clay) |
Ōkuri |
ō: place of; kurī: Polynesian dog |
Place of the Polynesian dog |
Ōmaha |
ō: place of; maha: pleasure |
Place of pleasure |
Ōmahu |
ō: place of; ō: provisions for a travelling party; Mahu: a personal name |
The place where Mahu ran out of food. |
Ōmāio |
ō: place of; māio: calm |
Place of calm |
Ōmaka |
ō: place of; maka: South island form of manga (stream) |
Place of the stream |
Ōmakau |
ō: place of; makau: spouse |
Belonging to husband and wife |
Ōmakere |
ō: place of; makere: to be lost, abandoned or to die |
Place of abandonment |
Ōmāmari |
ō: place of; Māmari: a famous canoe that come from Hawaiki. |
Place of Māmari canoe |
Ōmana |
ō: place of; Mana: a personal name |
Place of Mana |
Ōmanaia |
ō: place of; Manaia: a personal name |
Place of Manaia |
Ōmanawa |
ō: place of; Manawa: a personal name |
Place of Manawa |
Ōmanawanui |
ō: place of; manawanui: stout-hearted, long-suffering or forbearing |
Place of unswerving dedication |
Ōmāpere |
ō: place of; māpere: cutty grass |
Place of cutty grass |
Ōmarama |
ō: place of; Marama: a personal name |
Place of Marama |
Ōmaru |
ō: place of; maru: shelter |
Place of shelter |
Ōmarumutu |
ō: place of; maru: shade or shelter; mutu: cut off or terminated |
Place of cut-off shelter |
Ōmarunui |
ō: place of; maru: shade; nui: great or much |
Place of great shade |
Ōmarupāpaku |
ō: place of; maru: shade; pāpaku: shallow |
Place of shallow shade |
Ōmaui |
ō: place of; Māui |
Place of Māui |
Ōmihi |
ō: place of; mihi: greeting; also possibly wailing or lamentation |
Place of greeting |
Ōmimi |
ō: place o; mimi: urine |
Place of urine |
Ōmoana |
ō: place of; moana: ocean |
Place of the sea |
Ōmoeroa |
ō: place of; moe: sleep; roa: long |
Place of the long sleep |
Ōnaeroa |
ō: place of; naeroa: mosquitoes |
Place of mosquitoes |
Ōnawe |
ō: place of; nawe: to set on fire |
Place of arson |
Ōnehunga |
ō: place of; nehunga: burial |
Place of burial |
Ōnekakā |
one: sand; kākā: hot |
Hot sand |
Onekawa |
one: sand; kawa: bitter or sour |
Salty soil |
Ōnekeneke |
ō: place of; nekeneke: to move gradually |
Place of movement |
Onemaewao |
one: sand; Maewao: fairy-like beings |
Place of the Maewao (fairy-like beings) |
Oneone |
oneone: earth, soil |
Earth |
Onepoto |
one: beach; poto: short |
Short beach |
Onepū |
one: sand; pū: loose |
Loose sandy soil |
Onepunui |
one: sand; pupuni: covered, fill up |
Extensive sand dune |
Onerahi |
one: beach; rahi: long or wide |
Long beach |
Oneriri |
one: beach; riri: combat, battle, fight, to quarrel or be angry |
Battle beach |
Oneroa |
one: sand or beach; roa: long |
Long beach |
Onetahua |
one: sand; tahua: heaped up |
Heaped-up sand (sand dunes) |
Onetangi |
one: sandy beach; tangi: to weep or to sound |
Beach of weeping |
Onetapu |
one: sand or in this case, desert; tapu: sacred or forbidden |
Sacred desert |
Onetea |
one: sandy soil; tea: light-coloured |
Light soil |
Onewhero |
one: soil; whero: red |
Red soil |
Ōngāroto |
ō: place of; ngā: the; roto: lakes |
Place of the lakes |
Ōngāruānuku |
ō: place; ngā; the; ruānuku: learned people |
Place of the learned people |
Ōngarue |
ō: place of; ngarue: to shake, as in an earthquake |
Place of shaking |
Ōngātoro |
ō: place of; Ngātoro: personal name |
The place of Ngātoro |
Ōnoke |
ō: place of; noke: earthworm |
Place of earthworms |
Ōnuku |
ō: place of; nuku: food for a journey |
Place of Nuku |
Ōpaheke |
ō: place of; paheke: slip or landslide |
Place of a landslide |
Ōpaki |
ō: place of; paki: fine weather |
Place of fine weather |
Ōpakū |
ō: place of; pakū: to make a sudden sound or report, to resound or to knock |
Place of sudden noise |
Ōpanuku |
ō: place of; Panuku: a personal name |
Place of Panuku |
Ōpapa |
ō: place of; papa: flat land |
Place of flat land |
Ōpara |
ō: place of; para: mud or dust, or a place where sacred ceremonies were
performed |
Place of mud |
Ōpararā |
ō: place of; parara: to lie open towards |
A place which lies open (to the Tasman Sea) |
Ōparau |
ō: place of; pa: fortified villages; rau: many; or parau: dissembling or
falsehood |
Place of many fortified villages; or Place of falsehood |
Ōpārure |
ō: place of; pārure: to plunder |
Place of plunder |
Ōpepe |
ō: place of; pepe: moth |
Place of the moth |
Ōpihi |
ō: place of; pihi: springing up (referring to plants) |
Place of springing-up (plants) |
Ōpiki |
ō: place of; piki: to climb or ascend |
Place of climbing |
Ōpito |
ō: place of; pito: umbilical cord |
Place of umbilical cords |
Ōpoe |
ō: place of; Poe |
Place of Poe |
Ōpoho |
ō: place of; Poho |
Place of Poho |
Ōpononi |
ō: place of; pou: post; noni: crooked |
Place of crooked fishing post |
Ōpōuri |
ō: place of; pōuri: sadness |
Place of sadness |
Ōpoutama |
ō: place of; poutama: pattern on the tukutuku panels of a whare |
Place of the poutama pattern |
Ōpoutere |
ō: place of; pou: pour out; tere: quickly |
The place (where the sea-waters) swiftly empty out |
Ōpua |
ō: place of; pua: flower |
Place of the flower |
Ōpuke |
ō: place of; puke: hill |
Place of the hill |
Ōrākau |
ō: place of; rakau: trees |
Place of trees |
Ōrākei |
ō: place of; rākei: adornment |
Place of adornment |
Ōrakei Kōrako |
ō: place of; rakei: adornment; kōrako: white |
Place of adornment near the white (sinter flat) |
Ōranga |
ō: place of; ranga: rising ground, hill, sandbank, or fishing ground |
Place of rising ground |
Ōrarī |
ō: place of; rarī: butterfish |
Place of the butterfish |
Ōrātia |
ō: place of; ra: sun; tia: persistency |
Place of long-lingering sun |
Ōrere |
ō: place of; rere: waterfall |
Place of the waterfall |
Ōreti |
ō: place of; reti: snare |
Place of the snare |
Ōringi |
ō: place of; Ringi |
Place of Ringi |
Ōrongo |
ō: place of; rongo: listening-post |
Place of the listening post |
Ōrongorongo |
o: of; rongorongo: a woman’s name |
Place of Rongorongo |
Ōropi |
ō: place of; ropi: to cover up |
Place of covering up |
Ōroua |
ō: place of; roua: dredging for shellfish |
Place of dredging for shellfish |
Ōruaiti |
ō: place of; rua: pit; iti: small |
Place of small pit |
Ōruanui |
ō: place of; rua: pit; nui: large or many |
Place of many pits |
Ōruawairua |
ō: place of; rua: two; wairua: soul or spirit |
Meeting-place of spirits |
Ōruawharo |
ō: place of; rua: hole or pit; whārō: stretched out in full length |
Place of stretched-out pit |
Ōruawharo |
ō: place of; Ruawharo: a personal name |
Place of Ruawharo |
Ōrukuwai |
ō: place of; Rukuwai: a personal name |
Place of Rukuwai |
Ōruru |
ō: place of; ruru: morepork |
Place of the morepork |
Ōrurutūmārō |
ō: place of; ruru: morepork; tū: stand; mārō: firm |
Place of the unmoving morepork |
Ōtāhei |
ō: place of; tāhei: a bird snare |
Place of the bird snare |
Ōtahu |
ō: place of; Tahu: a personal name |
Place of Tahu |
Ōtāhūhū |
ō: place of tāhūhū: ridgepole of a house |
Place of the ridgepole of a house |
Ōtaihanga |
ō: place of: Taihanga: a personal name |
Place of Taihanga |
Ōtāika |
ō: place of; tāika: to lie in a heap |
Place of lying in a heap |
Ōtakapuneke |
ō: place of; Takapuneke: a personal name |
Place of Takapuneke |
Ōtakaro |
ō: place of; Takaro: a personal name |
Place of Takaro |
Ōtakeho |
ō: place of; Takeho: a personal name |
Place of Takeho |
Ōtaki |
ō: place of; taki: stick in |
Place of sticking a staff into the ground |
Ōtākiri |
ō: place of; tākiri: loosening or making free from tapu |
Place of loosening or freeing from tapu |
Ōtakou |
ō: place of; tākou: red ochre |
Place of red ochre; or place of Tākou |
Ōtama |
ō: place of; Tama: a personal name |
Place of Tama |
Ōtamakura |
ō: place of; tama: son; kura: ornamented with red feathers |
Place of boy ornamented with red feathers |
Ōtamarākau |
ō: place of; tama: young men; rākau: weapons |
Place of young warriors |
Ōtamarau |
ō: place of; Tamarau: a personal name |
Place of Tamarau |
Ōtamatea |
ō: place of; Tamatea: a personal name |
Place of Tamatea |
Ōtāne |
ō: place of; tāne: man |
Place of a man |
Ōtāngarei |
ō: place of; tanga: row or company of people; rei: leaping |
Place of group of people leaping |
Ōtangaroa |
ō: place of; Tangaroa: a personal name, or the god of the ocean |
Place of Tangaroa |
Ōtangihaku |
ō: place of; tangi: to sound or weep; haku: to murmur |
Place of murmured weeping |
Ōtangimoana |
ō: place of; tangi: weeping; moana: waters |
Place of weeping waters |
Ōtangiwai |
ō: place of; tangi: weeping; wai: waters |
Place of weeping waters |
Ōtāpara |
ō: place of; tāpara: desire, or wooden digging implement |
Place of digging implement |
Ōtāpiri |
ō: place of; tapiri: a vigorous shoot growing beside the main stem of a plant
Place of vigorous growing shoot |
Ōtara |
ō: place of; tara: peak |
Place of the peak |
Ōtara |
ō: place of; Tara: a personal name |
Place of Tara |
Ōtaraia |
ō: place of; Taraia: a personal name |
Place of Taraia |
Ōtaranga |
ō: place of; taranga: separation |
Place of separation |
Ōtatara |
ō: place of; tatara: to untie or loosen |
Place of loosening |
Ōtauaki |
ō: place of; tauaki: to show or expose |
Place of exposure |
Ōtautau |
ō: place of; tautau: greenstone ear pendant with a straight shank curved at the
lower end |
Place of ear pendant |
Ōtāwēwē |
ō: place of: tāwēwē: weighted net |
Place of a weighted net |
Ōtāwhao |
ō: place of; tāwhao: fragments, refuse or brushwood |
Place of brushwood scrub |
Ōtehei |
ō: place of; te: the; hei: neck ornament |
Place of the neck ornament |
Ōtehīwai |
ō: place of; te: the; hīwai: springing up |
Place of springing up of water |
Ōtekura |
ō: place of; te: the; kura: red feather |
Place of the red feather |
Ōtepopo |
ō: place of; te: the; popo: decayed wood |
Place of the decayed wood |
Ōtipua |
ō: place of; tipua: enchanted object or person |
Place of supernatural creature |
Ōtiria |
ō: place of; tiria: to be planted |
Place of planting |
Ōtiwhā |
ō: place of: tiwhā: a patch of shell or wood to cover a hole in a kelp bag |
Place of patch |
Ōtoatahi |
ō: place of; toa: warrior; tahi: one |
Place of a single warrior |
Ōtohi |
ō: place of; tohi: ritual ceremony |
Place of ceremony |
Ōtoko |
ō: place of; toko: stick or staff |
Place of the staff |
Ōtonga |
ō: place of; tonga: south, or south wind |
Place of the south wind |
Ōtoroa |
ō: place of; toroa: albatross |
Place of the albatross |
Ōtūkapuarangai |
ō: place of; tu: to stand; kapua: cloud; rangi: sky |
Place of the standing cloud in the sky |
Ōtūmatua |
o: place of; tū: stand; matua: parent |
Where the elder stands |
Ōtūmoetai |
ō: place of; tu: to stand; moe: to sleep; tai: tide |
Place where the tide stands still as if asleep |
Ōtūpaopao |
ō: place of; tū: to stand; paopao: to break by repeated strokes |
Place of standing and breaking |
Ōtūraki |
ō: place of; tū: to stand; raki (rangi): sky |
Place of standing in the sky |
Ōtūrēhua |
ō: place of; tū: to stand; Rēhua: the star Antares |
Place where the summer star stands still |
Ōturoto |
ō: place of; Turoto: a personal name |
Place of Turoto |
Ōtūru |
ō: place of; Turu: a personal name |
Place of Turu |
Ōue |
ō: place of; Ue: a personal name |
Place of Ue |
Ōueroa |
ō: place of; ue: species of flax; roa: long |
Place of long flax |
Ōui |
ō: place of; ui: to ask |
Place of questioning |
Ōuruhia |
ō: place of; uruhia: to be attacked |
Place of being attacked |
Ōwahanga |
ō: place of; wahanga: burden |
Place of burden |
Ōwairaka |
ō: place of; Wairaka, a chieftainess of repute |
Place of Wairaka |
Ōwairaka |
ō: place of; wai: stream; Raka: an ancestor |
Place of the stream of Raka |
Ōwaka |
ō: place of; waka: canoe or wooden trough |
Place of a canoe |
Ōweka |
ō: place of; weka: wood-hen |
Place of the weka |
Ōwhango |
ō: place of; whango: hoarse voice or wheezy sound |
Place of wheezy noises |
Ōwhata |
ō: place of; whata: elevated stage to protect food from bush rats, and for
drying |
Place of the elevated stage |
Ōwhawhe |
ō: place of; whawhe: put round |
The place encircled |
Ōwhiro |
ō: place of; Whiro |
Place of Whiro |
Paehinahina |
pae: ridge, headland; hinahina: a small tree also knwn as mahoe |
Hinahina ridge |
Paekākāriki |
pae: perch or snare; kākāriki: parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae) |
Parakeet perch |
Paekoka |
pae: ridge; koka: an unidentified species of seabird that was caught here |
Seabird ridge |
Paeoterangi |
pae: perching place; o: of; te: the; rangi: sky |
Footstool of the sky |
Paerātā |
pae: ridge; rātā: native tree |
Ridge of the rātā tree |
Paerau |
pae: ridges or steps; rau: many or a hundred |
Many ridges |
Paeroa |
pae: ridge of hills; roa: long |
Long ridge of hills |
Paetiki |
pae: ridge; tiki: carved wooden or stone figure |
Ridge of carved figure |
Pakirārahi |
pakirā: bald; rahi: big |
Large bald dome |
Papahīnau |
papa: flat; hīnau: native tree |
Hīnau flats |
Papaiti |
papa: flat; iti: small |
Small flats |
Papakaio |
papa: flat; kaio: native tree (South Island form of ngaio) |
Kaio tree flats |
Papakura |
papa: flat; kura: red |
Red flats |
Papamoa |
papa: flat; moa: raisted mounds for growing vegetables |
Raised mounds for growing vegetables on the flats |
Papanui |
papa: flat; nui: large |
Large flat |
Paparangi |
papa: flat; rangi: sky |
Flat sky |
Paparātā |
papa: flat; rātā: native tree |
Rātā tree flats |
Paparimu |
papa: flat; rimu: native tree |
Rimu tree flats |
Paparoa |
papa: flat; roa: long |
Long flats |
Papatawa |
papa: flat; tawa: native tree |
Tawa tree flats |
Papatāwhara |
papa: ground; tāwhara: kiekie flowers |
Kiekie flower flats |
Papatoetoe |
papa: flat; toetoe: native grass |
Toetoe grass flat |
Papatōtara |
papa: flat; tōtara: native tree |
Tōtara flat |
Papatōwai |
papa: flat; tōwai: native tree |
Tōwai tree flat |
Papawai |
papa: flat; wai: water |
Inundated land |
Pāreranui |
pārera: grey duck (Anas superciliosa): nui: large |
Large grey duck |
Paretai |
pare: divert; tai: the tide |
River bank |
Paretetaitonga |
para: dust; te: the; tai: sea; tonga: south |
The dust from the south sea |
Pārewanui |
pā: fortified village; rewa: swamp; nui: large |
Fortified village in a large swamp |
Pari-nui-te-ra |
pari: cliff; nui: great; te: the; rā: sun |
Great cliff in the sun |
Pariparitetai |
paripari: cliffs; te: the; tai: coast |
Cliffs on the coast |
Pariroa |
pari: cliff; roa: long |
Long cliff |
Pāroa |
pā: fortified village; roa: long, broad |
Broad fortified village |
Paruroa |
paru: mud; roa: long |
Long mud |
Paturoa |
patu: to strike or kill; roa: long |
Much hitting |
Pāuanui |
pāua: shellfish; nui: many or large |
Many or large pāua |
Pikowai |
piko: corner or bend; wai: stream |
Bend in the stream |
Pipiroa |
pipi: cockle; roa: long |
Long pipi |
Pīroa |
pī: headwaters; roa: long |
Long headwaters |
Pōhatunui |
pōhatu: rock; nui: great |
Great rock |
Pōhaturoa |
pōhatu: rock; roa: tall |
Tall rock |
Pohonui |
poho: stomach; nui: big |
Big stomach |
Pōhuenui |
pōhue: convolvulus or other climbing plants; nui: many |
Large climbing plant |
Pongaroa |
ponga: tree fern; roa: tall or long |
Tall tree fern |
Pōnui |
pō: night; nui: long |
Long night |
Puatai |
pua: foam; tai: sea |
Foam of the sea |
Pukearuhe |
puke: hill; aruhe: bitter |
Hill of bitterness |
Puhinui |
puhi: plume at the bow of a war canoe; nui: large |
Large plume at bow of war canoe |
Pukeatua |
puke: hill; atua: god |
Hill of the deity |
Pukehinau |
puke: hill; hinau: a native tree |
Hīnau tree hill |
Puke-hiwi-tahi |
puke: hill; hiwi: ridge; tahi: one |
One-ridge hill |
Pukehuhu |
puke: hill; huhu: grub |
Huhu grub hill |
Pukehuia |
puke: hill; huia: cluster |
Cluster of hills |
Pukeiti |
puke: hill; tī: cabbage tree |
Cabbage tree hill |
Pukekāhu |
puke: hill; kāhu: hawk |
Hill of the hawk |
Pukekaikiore |
puke: hill; kai: to eat; kiore: rat |
Hill of the eaten rat |
Pukekākāriki |
puke: hill; kākāriki: parakeet |
Hill of the parakeet |
Pukekāpia |
puke: hill; kāpia: kauri gum |
Kauri gum hill |
Pukekoikoi |
puke: hill; koikoi: pointed |
Pointed hill |
Pukekōmā |
puke: hill; kōmā: light-coloured or bright; or a kind of stone |
Light-coloured hill |
Pukekōwhai |
puke: hill; kōwhai: native tree |
Kōwhai tree hill |
Pukekura |
puke: hill; kura: red |
Red hill |
Puke-māeroero |
puke: hill; māeroero: ogres of the forest |
Hill of ogres |
Pukemaori |
puke: hill; māori: Māori |
Māori hill |
Pukemarama |
puke: hill; marama: moon |
Moon hill |
Pukemātāwai |
puke: hill: mātāwai: source of streams |
Hill is source of stream |
Pukematekeo |
puke: hill; mate: end; keo: peak |
The hill at the end of the range |
Pukemiro |
puke: hill; miro: native tree |
Miro tree hill |
Pukemoko |
puke: hill; moko: tattoo |
Hill of tattoos |
Pukemoremore |
puke: hill; more; a freshwater fish |
Hill of many pinbellied freshwater fish |
Pukengahu |
puke: hill; ngahu: point or promontory |
Hill |
Pukenui |
puke: hill; nui: large |
Large hill |
Pukeokahu |
puke: hill; o: of; Kahu: personal name |
Hill of Kahu |
Puke-o-Tara |
puke: hill; o: of; Tara |
Hill of Tara |
Pukepiripiri |
puke: hill; piripiri: the ‘biddy-bid’ (Acaena anserinifolia) |
‘Biddy-bid’ hill |
Pukepito |
puke: hill; pito: end |
Hill end |
Pukepōhatu |
puke: hill; pōhatu: rock |
Rock hill |
Pukepoto |
puke: hill; poto: dark blue earth present in a nearby swamp, used as a pigment
Dark blue pigment hill |
Pukerangi |
puke: hill; rangi: sky |
Sky hill |
Pukerangiora |
puke: hill; rangiora: native shrub |
Rangiora shrub hill |
Pukerau |
puke: hills; rau: a leaf, a hundred or many |
Hill of leaves |
Pukerauaruhe |
puke: hill; rauaruhe: bracken fronds |
Hill of bracken fronds |
Pukerimu |
puke: hill; rimu: native tree |
Rimu tree hill |
Pukeora |
puke: hill; ora: well or in good health |
Hill of good health |
Pukeroa |
puke: hill; roa: long or tall |
Tall hill |
Pukerua |
puke: hill; rua: two |
Two hills |
Puketaha |
puke: hill; taha: side |
Hill side |
Puketāpapa |
puke: hill; tāpapa: edge or flat-topped |
Flat-topped hill |
Puketapu |
puke: hill; tapu: sacred or forbidden |
Sacred hill |
Puketawa |
puke: hill; tawa: native tree |
Tawa tree hill |
Puketī |
puke: hill; tī: cabbage tree |
Cabbage tree hill |
Puketihi |
puke: hill; tihi: top or summit |
Summit of the hill |
Puketiro |
puke: hill; tiro: view |
View from the hill |
Puke-tirohia-marama |
puke: hill; tirohia: to survey or view; marama: moon |
Hill giving a view of the moon |
Puketoi |
puke: hill; toi: summit |
Summit of the hill |
Puketōtara |
puke: hill; tōtara tree |
Tōtara hill |
Puketūī |
puke: hill; tūī: native bird |
Tūī hill |
Puketūroto |
puke: hill; tū: to stand; roto: lake |
Hillside beside the lake |
Puketutu |
puke: hill; tutu: native shrub (Coriaria arborea) |
Tutu shrub hill |
Pukewhau |
puke: hill; whau: a native tree |
Whau tree hill |
Pukewhero |
puke: hill; whero: red |
Red hill |
Pukurahi |
puku: belly; rahi: large |
Large belly |
Rāhotu |
rā: sun; hotu: to long for |
Long for the sun |
Rākaunui |
rākau: tree; nui: many or large |
Many trees |
Rākauroa |
rākau: tree; roa: tall |
Tall trees |
Ramaroa |
rama: torch; roa: long |
Long torch |
Ranganui |
ranga: parade; nui: large |
Large parade |
Rangi-roa |
rangi: sky; roa: long |
Long sky |
Rānui |
rā: sun; nui: many |
Plenty of sunshine |
Rapanui |
rapa: there are many meanings of rapa, including to seek; nui: many |
Much seeking |
Rārangi-roa |
rārangi: line or row; roa: long |
Long line |
Rāroa |
rā; day; roa: long |
Long day |
Rātānui |
rātā: native tree; nui: large or many |
Many or large rātā trees |
Rāwhitiroa |
rā: sun; whiti: to shine; roa: long |
Long-shining sun |
Reporoa |
repo: swamp; roa: long or wide |
Long swamp |
Rimunui |
rimu: native tree; nui: many or large |
Many or large rimu trees |
Rongotai |
rongo: sound; tai: sea |
Sound of the sea |
Rotoaira |
roto: lake; a: of; Ira |
Lake of Ira |
Roto-a-Tara |
roto: lake; a: of; Tara |
Lake of Tara |
Rotoehu |
roto: lake; ehu: turbid |
Turbid lake |
Rotoiti |
roto: lake; iti: small |
Little lake |
Rotokākahi |
roto: lake; kākahi: freshwater shellfish |
Freshwater shellfish lake |
Rotokauri |
roto: lake; kauri: native tree |
Kauri tree lake |
Rotokawa |
roto: lake; kawa; bitter |
Bitter lake |
Rotokawau |
roto: lake; kawau: shag |
Shag lake |
Rotokohu |
roto: lake; kohu: mist |
Misty lake |
Rotokura |
roto: lake; kura: red |
Red glow of sunset on the water |
Rotoma |
roto: lake; ma: clear |
Clear lake |
Rotomahana |
roto: lake; mahana: warm |
Warm lake |
Rotomanu |
roto: lake; manu: bird |
Bird lake |
Rotongaro |
roto: lake; ngaro: hidden or lost |
Hidden lake |
Roto-o-rangi |
roto: lake; o: of; rangi: sky |
Lake of the sky |
Rotoroa |
roto: lake; roa: long |
Long lake |
Rotorua |
roto: lake; rua: two |
Two lakes |
Rototuna |
roto: lake; tuna: eel |
Eel lake |
Rotowaro |
roto: lake; waro: coal or glowing embers |
Lake of glowing embers |
Ruapuke Island |
rua: two; puke: hills |
Two hill island |
Ruaroa |
rua: cave or pit; roa: long |
Long pit |
Ruawai |
rua: hole; wai: water |
Watery hole |
Rukumoana |
ruku: to dive; moana: sea, or deep pool in river |
Diving into the pool |
Tāhaenui |
tāhae: thief; nui: big or many |
Many thieves |
Taharoa |
taha: coast; roa: long |
Long coast |
Tahawai |
taha: side; wai: water |
Seaside |
Tāhekereroa |
tāheke: waterfall; roa: high or long |
High waterfall |
Tahoraiti |
tahora: forest clearing; iti: little |
Little forest clearing |
Tāhuhūnui |
tāhūhū: ridge-pole; nui: large |
Large ridge-pole |
Tāhunanui |
tāhuna: shoal or sandbank; nui: large |
Large sandbank |
Taiharuru |
tai: sea; haruru: resounding |
Resounding sea |
Taikorea |
tai: sea; korea: a small canoe |
Tide of the small canoe |
Taimate |
tai: tide; mate: dead |
A salt pool blocked off from the tide |
Tainui |
tai: tide; nui: great |
Great tide |
Tairua |
tai: tides; rua: two |
Two tides |
Taitapu |
tai: coast; tapu: sacred |
Sacred coast |
Taitimu |
tai: tide; timu: to ebb |
Ebb of the tide |
Taitomo |
tai: sea; tomo: shaft |
Shaft of the sea |
Takahiwai |
takahi: to trample; wai: water |
Trample water |
Takutai |
taku: coast; tai: sea |
Sea coast |
Tangimoana |
tangi: to weep or lament; moana: ocean |
Weeping sea |
Tangiwai |
tangi: to cry or weep; wai: water |
Weeping water |
Taonui |
tao: spear; nui: many |
Large spear |
Taoroa |
tao: spear; roa: long |
Long spear |
Tapuwaeroa |
tapuwae: footsteps; roa: long |
Long footsteps |
Tātuanui |
tātua: girdle; nui: large or many |
Large girdle |
Taumarunui |
taumaru: screen; nui: large |
Large screen |
Taumatawhakatangihanga kōauauotamatea
pōkaiwhenuakitanatahu |
taumata: brow of a hill; whakatangihanga: place of sounding or playing; kōauau:
flute; o: of; Tamatea-pōkai-whenua; ki: to; tana: his; tahu: lover |
The brow of the hill where Tamatea who travelled all over the land played his
flute to his lover |
Taumoana |
tau: to come to rest (and many other meanings); moana: sea |
Come to rest at sea |
Tauranganui |
taura: landing places; nui: many, great |
Great landing place |
Tauraroa |
taura: rope; roa: long |
Long rope |
Tawanui |
tawa: native tree (Beilschmiedia tawa); nui: many |
Great tawa tree |
Tāwharanui |
tāwhara: flower of the kiekie (Freycinetia banksii); nui: many |
Many flowers of the kiekie |
Te Araroa |
te: the; ara: path; roa: long |
The long path |
Te Awa |
te: the; awa: valley or channel |
The valley |
Te Awahou |
te: the; awa: river; hou: new |
The new river |
Te Awaiti |
te: the; awa: stream; iti: little |
The little stream |
Te Awa-māeroero |
te: the; awa: river; māeroero: ogres of the South Island forests |
The river of the ogres |
Te Awamutu |
te: the; awa: river; mutu: cut off or ended |
The ended river |
Te Awa-parahi |
te: the; awa: valley; parahi: steep |
The steep valley |
Te Awaure |
te: the; awa: river; ure: male |
The male river |
Te Haehaenga |
te: the; haehaenga: torn or lacerated |
The laceration |
Te Hana |
te: the; hana: glow or gleam |
The glow |
Te Hāpara |
te: the; hāpara: dawn |
The dawn |
Te Hāparangi |
te: the; hāparangi |
The circumstance of shouting |
Te Hāpua |
te: the; hāpua: lagoon |
The lagoon |
Te Hāroto |
te: the; hāroto: pool |
The pool |
Te Henga |
te: the; henga: food for a work party |
The food for a work party |
Te Hēnui |
te: the; hē: amongst its several meanings are wrong, erring, error, difficulty,
trouble; nui: big |
The great mistake |
Te Ika-a-Māui |
te: the; ika: fish; a: of; Māui: a personal name |
The fish of Māui |
Te Ika-a-Ranganui |
te: the; ika: fish; a: of; Ranganui: a personal name |
The fish of Ranganui |
Te Horo |
te: the; horo: landslide |
The landslide |
Te Kaha |
te: the; kaha: rope |
The rope |
Te Kao |
te: the; kao: dried kūmara |
The dried kūmara |
Te Kauwhata |
te: the; kau: empty; whata: storehouse |
The empty storehouse |
Te Kawakawa |
te: the; kawakawa: a native shrub |
The kawakawa shrub |
Te Kōpua |
te: the; kōpua: deep pool |
The deep pool |
Te Kiri |
te: the; kiri: bark |
The bark |
Te Kōhanga |
te: the; kōhanga: nest |
The nest |
Te Kōwhai |
te: the; kōwhai: a tree |
The kōwhai tree |
Te Mānia |
te: the; mānia: plain |
The plain |
Te Moana |
te: the; moana: ocean |
The sea |
Te Moana o Toi te Huatahi |
te: the; moana: ocean; o: of; Toi te Huatahi |
The ocean of Toi te Huatahi |
Te Moananui |
te: the; moana: ocean; nui: large |
The great ocean |
Te Moananui-a-Kiwa |
te: the; moana: ocean; nui: large; a: of; Kiwa |
The great ocean of Kiwa |
Te Onepū |
te: the; onepū: sand |
The sand |
Te Onewa |
te: the; one: earth, soil or land; wa: unenclosed country |
Soil of the unenclosed land |
Te Papatapu |
te: the; papa: flat; tapu: sacred or forbidden |
The sacred flat |
Te Puke |
te: the; puke: hill |
The hill |
Te Tai Tamāhine |
te: the; tai: sea, coast; tamāhine: daughter, girl |
The female coast |
Te Tai Tamatāne |
te: the; tai: sea, coast; tamatāne: son, body |
The male coast |
Te Tai o Marokura |
te: the; tai: sea, coast; o: of; Marokura |
The coast of Marokura |
Te Tai o Mahaanui |
te: the; tai: sea, coast; o: of; Mahaanui |
The coast of Mahaanui |
Te Tai o Aorere |
te: the; tai: sea, coast; o: of; Aorere |
The coast of Aorere |
Te Tai Poutini |
te: the; tai: sea, coast; Poutini |
The coast of Poutini |
Te Tukeroa |
te: the ; tuke: elbow or bend; roa: tall |
The long bend |
Te Waharoa |
te: the; waha: to carry on the back; roa: long |
The long carry |
Te Wai Pounamu |
te; the; wai: water; pounamu: greenstone |
The greenstone waters |
Te Waiiti |
te: the; wai: stream; iti: small |
The little stream |
Te Waiopani |
te: the wai: water; o: of; Pani |
The water of Pani |
Te Wairoa |
te: the; wai: river or stream; roa: long |
The long stream |
Te Waitere |
te: the; wai: water; tere: swiftly flowing |
The swift stream |
Te Wēiti |
te: the; wē: water; iti: little |
The little water |
Te Whare-kai-atua |
te: the; whare: house; kai: eat; atua: gods |
The abode that consumes deities |
Tīkapa Moana |
tīkapa: mournful; moana: sea |
The mournful sea |
Tikinui |
tiki: human representation in wood or stone; nui: large or many |
The great human carving |
Tinui |
ti: cabbage tree; nui: large or many |
Many cabbage trees |
Tiroa |
ti: cabbage tree; roa: tall |
Long cabbage tree |
Tiromoana |
tiro: view; moana: ocean |
View the sea |
Tironui |
tiro: view; nui: large or expansive |
Expansive view |
Tiroroa |
tiro: view; roa: long |
Long view |
Titiroa |
titi: long streaks of cloud; roa: long |
Long streaks of cloud |
Tokanui |
toka: rock; nui: large or many |
Large rock |
Tokarahi |
toka: rock; rahi: large or many |
Many rocks |
Tokaroa |
toka: rock; roa: tall or long |
Tall rock |
Tokoiti |
toko: pole; iti: small |
Little pole |
Tokoroa |
toko: pole: roa: long |
Long pole |
Tōmoana |
tō: to drag or as far up as; moana: ocean |
Drag to the ocean |
Tōtaranui |
tōtara: trees; nui: many |
Many tōtara trees |
Tunanui |
tuna: eels; nui: many |
Many eels |
Tūranganui |
tūranga: standing; nui: great |
Great standing place |
Tūrangaomoana |
tūranga: standing place; o: of; moana: the sea |
Resting place of the sea |
Tūtaenui |
tūtae: dung; nui: large |
Large dung |
Umutaoroa |
umu: oven; taoroa: long spear |
Oven of the long spear |
Urenui |
ure: courage (a figurative expression); nui: great |
Great courage |
Utuwai |
utu: dip into, in order to fill a bowl; wai: water |
Dip into water |
Waianiwaniwa |
wai: water; aniwaniwa: rainbow |
Rainbow waters |
Waiapu |
wai: water; apu: to swallow |
Swallowing river |
Waiareka |
wai: water; a: of; reka: sweet or sweetness |
Sweet water |
Waiariari |
wai: water; ariari: gleaming or undisturbed |
Gleaming water |
Waiariki |
wai: water; ariki: chief |
Waters of the chief |
Waiaro |
wai: water; aro: wistful |
Wistful water |
Waiatoto |
wai: water; a: of; toto: blood |
Water of blood |
Waiau |
wai: water; au: current |
Swirling waters |
Waiaua |
wai: water; aua: herring |
Waters containing herring |
Waihaha |
wai: water; haha: noisy |
Noisy water |
Waihakeke |
wai: water; hakeke: wood ear fungus |
Wood ear fungus water |
Waihao |
wai: water; hao: to catch in a net |
Water of net fishing |
Waihao |
wai: river: hao: a species of small eel |
Water with eels |
Waihaorunga |
wai: river: hao: a species of small eel; runga: top or upper part |
Water with eels at the top |
Waiharakeke |
wai: stream; harakeke: flax |
Flax stream |
Waiharuru |
wai: water; haruru: to reverberate or rumble |
Rumbling waters |
Waihau |
wai: water; hau: wind |
Windy water |
Waiheke |
wai: water; heke: to ebb, drip or descend |
The descending waters |
Waihemo |
wai: water or stream; hemo: to cease |
The finished stream |
Waihīnau |
wai: stream; hīnau: a native tree |
Hīnau tree stream |
Waihīrere |
wai: water; hīrere: to rush |
Rushing waters |
Waihōaka |
wai: stream; hōaka (South Island form of hōanga): sandstone, used for grinding
and polishing greenstone |
Water of sandstone |
Waihōhepa |
wai: stream, water; Hohepa: the Maori form of Joseph |
The water of Hōhepa |
Waihōhonu |
wai: river; hōhonu: deep |
Deep water |
Waihopo |
wai: river; hopo: to be apprehensive or doubtful |
A river one fears to cross |
Waihora |
wai: water; hora: spread out |
Spread-out waters |
Waihōu |
wai: river; hōu: new |
New waters |
Waihua |
wai: water; hua: fish roe |
Fish roe waters |
Waihue |
wai: river; hue: gourd |
River gourd waters |
Wai-iti |
wai: stream; iti: little |
Little stream |
Waikākā |
wai: water; kākā: parrot |
Parrot stream |
Waikākāhi |
wai: water; kākahi: freshwater shellfish |
Waters of freshwater shellfish |
Waikākaho |
wai: water; kākaho: flowering plumes of the toetoe |
Waters of the flowering plumes of the toetoe |
Waikanae |
wai: water; kanae: mullet |
Mullet waters |
Waikaraka |
wai: stream; karaka: native tree |
Karaka tree stream |
Waikarakia |
wai: stream; karakia: prayer or incantation |
Stream of ritual |
Waikare |
wai: water; kare: to ripple |
Rippling waters |
Waikareiti |
wai: water; kare: to ripple or dash; iti: little |
Little waters |
Waikaremoana |
wai: water; kare: to ripple; moana: sea or large lake |
Sea of rippling waters |
Waikāretu |
wai: water; kāretu: a sweet-scented grass |
Waters of the kāretu grass |
Waikari |
wai: water; kari: dig |
Dig for water |
Waikato |
wai: river; kato: to flow |
Flowing water |
Waikawa |
wai: water; kawa: bitter |
Bitter water |
Waikawau |
wai: water; kawau: shag |
Water of the shag |
Waikererū |
wai: water; kererū: wood pigeon |
Water of the wood pigeon |
Waikeria |
wai: water; keria: dug out |
Dug out water |
Waikerikeri |
wai: water; kerikeri: to rush along violently |
Water that rushes along |
Waikiekie |
wai: water; kiekie: a climbing plant |
Kiekie waters |
Waikino |
wai: water; kino: unpleasant, stinking |
Harmful waters |
Waikirikiri |
wai: stream; kirikiri: gravel |
Gravelly stream |
Waikite |
wai: water; kite: to see or gaze upon |
Discovered water |
Waikiwi |
wai: stream; kiwi: a flightless nocturnal bird |
Kiwi waters |
Waikōau |
wai: water; kōau: shag |
Waters of the shag |
Waikohu |
wai: water; kohu: mist |
Misty waters |
Waikōkopu |
wai: water; kōkopu: cockabully fish |
Waters of the cockabully |
Waikōkōwai |
wai: water; kōkōwai: red ochre |
Waters of the red ochre |
Waikorea |
wai: water; korea: a small canoe |
Waters of the small canoe |
Waikouaiti |
wai: stream; koua (the poetical form of kua): to become; iti: little |
Stream which has become small |
Waikoukou |
wai: water; koukou: morepork or native owl |
Water of the morepork |
Waikōwhai |
wai: stream; kowhai: native tree |
Kōwhai tree waters |
Waikōwhitiwhiti |
wai: water; kōwhitiwhiti: dancing (of water) |
Dancing waters |
Waikuku |
wai: water; kuku: freshwater mussel |
Freshwater mussel waters |
Waikumete |
wai: water; kumete: wooden bowl often used to snare wood pigeons |
Waters of the kumete bowl |
Waikuta |
wai: water; kuta: rushes |
Waters of the kuta rushes |
Waimā |
wai: river; mā: white or clear |
Clear water |
Wai-māeroero |
wai: water; māeroero: ogres of the South Island forests |
Waters of the ogres of the forests |
Waimāhaka |
wai: waters; māhaka (māhanga): twin |
Twin waters |
Waimahora |
wai: water; mahora: spread out |
Spread out waters |
Waimahuru |
wai; stream; mahuru: placid |
Placid waters |
Waimakariri |
wai: river; makariri: cold |
Cold river |
Waimamaku |
wai: stream; mamaku: tree-fern |
Tree-fern stream |
Waimana |
wai: stream; mana: esteem or influence |
Stream of influence |
Waimangaroa |
wai: river; manga: tributary; roa: long |
River with a long tributary |
Waimangu |
wai: water; mangu: black |
Black water |
Waimārama |
wai: water; mārama: clear |
Clear water |
Waimarie |
wai: water; marie: quiet |
Quiet water |
Waimarino |
wai: water or stream; marino: calm or still |
Calm stream |
Waimaru |
wai; water; maru: shade or sheltered |
Sheltered water |
Waimātaitai |
wai; water; mātaitai: salty or brackish water |
Salty water |
Waimate |
wai: water; mate: dead, sick or stagnant |
Stagnant water |
Waimatua |
wai: water; matua: large or important |
Important water |
Waimatuku |
wai: water; matuku: bittern |
Bittern water |
Waimauku |
wai: stream; mauku: small ferns |
Fern water |
Waimaunga |
wai: stream; maunga: mountain |
Mountain stream |
Waimimi |
wai: stream; mimi: urine |
Urine stream |
Waimiro |
wai: stream; miro: a native tree |
Miro stream |
Waimotu |
wai: water or river; motu: island |
Island stream |
Waimumu |
wai: stream; mumu: boisterous |
Boisterous stream |
Waingake |
wai: water; ngake: capacious, or the middle section of a fishing net |
Waters to fill a large net |
Waingaro |
wai: water or stream; ngaro: lost or hidden |
Lost stream |
Waingongoro |
wai: river; ngongoro: to snore or gurgle |
Gurgling water |
Wainoni |
wai: stream; noni: bend or turn |
Bendy stream |
Wainui |
wai: water; nui: large |
Large waters |
Wainuiomata |
wai: stream; nui: big; o: of; Mata: a personal name |
Big stream of Mata |
Wainuioru |
wai: water or stream; nui: large; o of; Ru: personal name |
Large waters of Ru |
Waiohau |
wai: water; o: of; Hau: personal name |
Waters of Hau |
Waiohine |
wai: river; o: of; Hine |
River of Hine |
Waiomatatini |
wai: water or stream; o: of; Matatini |
Stream of Matatini |
Waiomio |
wai: water or stream; o: of; Mio |
Stream of Mio |
Waiomu |
wai: water or stream; o: of; Mu |
Stream of Mu |
Waione |
wai: water; one: beach or sand |
Stream on the beach |
Waiongana |
wai: water or stream; o: of; Ngana |
Stream of Ngata |
Wai-ora-a-Tāne |
wai: water; ora: life; a: of; Tāne |
The life-giving water of Tāne |
Waiorongomai |
wai: water or stream; o: of; Rongomai |
Stream of Rongomai |
Waiotahi |
wai: water or stream; o: of; Tahi |
Stream of Tahi |
Wai-o-taiki |
te: the; wai: stream; o: of; Taiki |
Stream of Taiki |
Waiotapu |
wai: water; o: of; tapu: sacred or reserved |
Sacred waters |
Waiotemarama |
wai: water; o: of; Te Marama |
Waters of Te Marama |
Waiotira |
wai: water or pool; a: of; tira: to set up sticks for divination |
Pool of divination |
Waiotū |
wai: water; o: of; Tū: a personal name |
Waters of Tū |
Waiouru |
wai: river; o:of; uru: west |
River of the west |
Waipā |
wai: river; pā: fortified village or villages |
River of fortified villages |
Waipahi |
wai: water; Pahi |
Stream of Pahi |
Waipāhīhī |
wai: water; pāhīhī: welling up or flowing in driblets |
Water flowing in driblets |
Waipakaru |
wai: water; pakaru: broken |
Stream broken through |
Waipango |
wai: water; pango: black |
Black water |
Waipapa |
wai: stream; papa: flat |
Stream on flats |
Waipapakauri |
wai: water; papa: flat; kauri: native tree |
Swampy ground where the kauri grow |
Waipaparoa |
wai: water; papa: flat; roa: long |
Stream on long flats |
Waipara |
wai: water; para: mud, silt or sediment |
Silty water |
Waipareira |
wai: water; Pareira |
Stream of Pareira |
Waipari |
wai: stream; pari: cliff |
Clifftop stream |
Waipati |
wai: water; pati: shallow or splashing |
Shallow waters |
Waipātiki |
wai: water; pātiki: flounder |
Flounder waters |
Waipatu |
wai: water; patu: struck |
Strike water |
Waipeto |
wai: stream; peto: to be consumed |
Consumed by the stream |
Waipīata |
wai: water; pīata: glistening or clear |
Clear water |
Waipipi |
wai: water; pipi: cockle |
Pipi waters |
Waipiro |
wai: water; piro: evil-smelling |
Evil-smelling water |
Waipōua |
wai: water; pō: night; ua: rain |
Water from rain in the night |
Waipounamu |
wai: river; pounamu: greenstone |
Greenstone waters |
Waipōuri |
wai: water or stream; pōuri: dark or sad. |
Dark waters |
Waipū |
wai: water; pū: reddish in colour |
Reddish water |
Waipuhinui |
wai: water; puhi: plume at the bow of a war canoe; nui: large |
Water of the large canoe bow plume |
Waipuku |
wai: water; puku: to swell |
Swelling water |
Waipukurau |
wai: stream; pukurau: a large white fungus |
Stream of the pukurau fungus |
Wairākei |
wai: water; rākei: adorning |
A place where pools of water were used as mirrors |
Wairangi |
wai: water; rangi: sky |
Water skies |
Wairarapa |
wai: water; rarapa: glistening |
Glistening water |
Waireka |
wai: water; reka: sweet |
Sweet water |
Wairepo |
wai: water; repo; swamp |
Swampy water |
Wairere |
wai: water or stream; rere: to flow |
Waterfall |
Wairio |
wai: water or stream; rio: dried up |
Dried-up stream |
Wairoa |
wai: river or stream; roa: long |
Long stream |
Wairongoā |
wai: springs; rongoā: medicine |
Medicinal stream |
Wairua |
wai: stream or river; rua: two |
Twin waters |
Wairuna |
wai: stream; runa: dock |
Dock waters |
Wairunga |
wai: water; runga: above |
Stream that flows from the mountains |
Waitaanga |
wai: stream; a of; Anga |
Stream of Anga |
Waitaha |
wai: river or stream; taha: to pass on one side |
Backwater |
Waitahanui |
wai: stream; tahanui: a variety of cabbage tree with broad leaves |
Stream of cabbage trees |
Waitahora |
wai: water; tahora: spread out or open space |
Wide-open waters |
Waitahu |
wai: stream; tahu: continuous or running in a straight line |
Straight-running stream |
Waitahuna |
wai: stream; Tāhuna: a personal name |
Stream of Tāhuna |
Waitai |
wai: water; tai: salt or brackish |
Salty water |
Waitakaro |
wai: stream; takaro: to play or wrestle |
Wrestling waters |
Waitakaruru |
wai: water; takaruru: stagnant |
Stagnant water |
Waitākere |
wai: water or stream; tākere: deep or cascading |
Cascading stream |
Waitaki |
wai: river; taki (tangi): noisy or weeping |
Weeping waters |
Waitāne |
wai: river; tāne: man or men |
River of men |
Waitangi |
wai: waters; tangi: noisy or weeping |
Weeping waters |
Waitangiruru |
wai: water or stream; tangi: to sound; ruru: morepork |
Stream that sounds like a morepork |
Waitanguru |
wai: water; tanguru: rushing rapidly |
Rapidly rushing water |
Waitao |
wai: water; tao: spear |
Spear waters |
Waitapu |
wai: water: tapu: sacred or forbidden |
Sacred waters |
Waitaramea |
wai: stream; taramea: speargrass |
Speargrass stream |
Waitararoa |
wai:water; tara: sun’s ray or shafts of light; roa: long |
First rays of the sun appearing on the water |
Waitārere |
wai: stream; tārere: to flow copiously |
Copiously flowing waters |
Waitaria |
wai: water; taria: to wait for |
Waters of waiting |
Waitaruke |
wai: stream; taruke: hurrying |
Hurrying stream |
Waitata |
wai: water; tata: to dash or beat down |
Dashing stream |
Waitawa |
wai: stream; tawa: tree |
Tawa tree stream |
Waitāwheta |
wai: water; tāwheta: to flounder |
Restless stream |
Waitekauri |
wai: stream; te: the; kauri: native tree |
Stream of the kauri tree |
Waitepeka |
wai: stream; te: the; peka: branch |
Tributary stream |
Waiterimu |
wai: stream; te: the; rimu: native tree |
Stream of the rimu tree |
Waiteti |
wai: stream; te: the; tī: cabbage tree |
Stream of the cabbage tree |
Waitetuna |
wai: stream; te: the; tuna: eel |
Stream of the eel |
Waitiri |
wai: water or stream; tiri: to toss about or disturb |
Disturbed stream |
Waitoa |
wai: water; toa: rough or stormy |
Rough waters |
Waitoetoe |
wai: water or stream; toetoe: native grass |
Toetoe grass stream |
Waitohi |
wai: water; tohi: baptismal rite |
Stream for baptismal rite |
Waitohu |
wai: water; tohu: to point out |
Water that points out the way |
Waitoki |
wai: water; toki: adze |
Adze waters |
Waitomo |
wai: water; tomo: shaft |
Shafts from water |
Waitoriki |
wai: water; tōriki: little |
Small stream |
Waitōtara |
wai: river; tōtara: native tree |
Tōtara tree river |
Waituhi |
wai: water; tuhi: to glow |
Glowing waters |
Waitūī |
wai: water; tūī: bird |
Tūī waters |
Waituna |
wai: stream; tuna: eel |
Eel stream |
Waiuku |
wai: stream; uku: white clay |
Stream with banks of white clay |
Waiuta |
wai: river; uta: inland, or to load a burden |
Inland river |
Waiwawa |
wai: stream; wawa: roaring |
Roaring stream |
Waiwera |
wai: water; wera: hot |
Hot water |
Wai-whakaata |
wai: water; whakaata: to reflect |
Reflecting waters |
Waiwhero |
wai: water; whero: red |
Red waters |
Waiwhetū |
wai: stream; whetū: star |
Star-reflecting stream |
Waiwhio |
wai: stream; whio: blue or whistling duck |
Stream of the blue duck |
Waiwhiu |
wai: stream; whiu: sudden bend |
Sudden bend in the stream |
Wakanui |
waka: canoe; nui: large or many |
Many waka |
Waronui |
waro: chasm or coals; nui: large |
Large coals |
Waitētē |
wai: stream; tētē: shovel-nosed duck, now extinct |
Shovel-nosed duck stream |
Wēiti |
wē: liquid or water; iti: little |
Little waters |
Whakaari |
whakaari: To show or expose to view |
Expose to view |
Whakaroa |
Whaka (South Island form of whanga): harbour or bay; roa: long |
Long harbour |
Whangakoko |
whanga: harbour; koko: corner, or to take up with a shovel |
Shovelled harbour |
Whangamarino |
whanga: stretch of water; marino: peaceful |
Peaceful harbour |
Whangamata |
whanga: harbour; mata: obsidian |
Obsidian harbour |
Whangamoa |
whanga: valley or sheltered place; moa: probably the raised mounds in a
plantation |
Valley with raised mounds in plantation |
Whangamomona |
whanga: valley; momona: fat |
Bountiful valley |
Whanganui |
whanga: bay; nui: large |
Large harbour |
Whanganui-o-Hei |
whanga: bay; nui: large; o: of; Hei |
Large harbour of Hei |
Whangapara |
whanga: harbour; para: sediment |
Sedimentary harbour |
Whangaparāoa |
whanga: bay; parāoa: whale |
Whale bay |
Whangapē |
whanga: to wait; pē: fish roe |
Fish roe harbour |
Whangapoua |
whanga: bay or harbour; poua: a mollusc |
Mollusc harbour |
Whangarā |
whanga: bay; rā: sun |
Sunny bay |
Whangarātā |
whanga: valley; rātā: native tree |
Rātā tree valley |
Whangarei |
whanga: waiting; rei: abbreviation of Reipae |
Waiting for Reipae |
Whangaripo |
whanga: stretch of water; ripo: deep pool or whirlpool |
Deep stretch of water |
Whangaroa |
whanga: harbour; roa: long |
Long harbour |
Whangaruru |
whanga: harbour; ruru: morepork |
Morepork harbour |
Whangateau |
whanga: harbour; te: the; au: current, smoke or mist |
Harbour of smoke |
Whangatoetoe |
whanga: bay; toetoe: native grass |
Toetoe grass bay |
Whānui |
whānui: wide |
Wide-open waters |
Whareroa |
whare: house; roa: long |
Long house |
Whāro One-roa-a-Tohe |
whāro: stretched out; one: beach; roa: long; a: of; Tohe, a chief |
The beach on which Tōhē stretched out |
Whataroa |
whata: elevated stage: roa: long or tall |
Long, elevated stage |
Whekenui |
wheke: octopus; nui: large |
Great octopus |
Whenuanui |
whenua: land; nui: large |
Great land |
Whenuapai |
whenua: land; pai: good |
Good land |
Whānui |
whānui: broad or wide |
Wide |
Wharanui |
wharanui: species of flax |
Wharanui flax |
Whare |
whare: house |
House |
Whareakeake |
whare: house; akeake: poor land, or a species of tree |
House on poor land |
Whareama |
whare: house; ama: carved posts supporting the maihi |
House of carved posts |
Wharehine |
whare: house; hine: girls or young women |
House of young women |
Wharehuanui |
whare: house; huanui: road or path |
House by a path |
Wharehuia |
whare: house; huia (the possessive case of hui): assembled |
House of assembly |
Wharehunga |
whare: house; hunga: company of people |
Meeting house, or meeting of people in a house |
Wharekaho |
whare: house; kaho: fence rail |
Enclosed palisade |
Wharekākā |
whare: probably nesting place; kākā: parrots |
Nesting place of parrots |
Wharekōpae |
whare: house; kōpae: circular |
House with a side door |
Wharekōwhiti |
whare: house; kō: father side; whiti: to cross |
Cross to house on the far side |
Whareongaonga |
whare: house; ongaonga: nettle |
Nettle house |
Whareora |
whare: house; ora: safe or in good health |
House of good health |
Wharepāina |
whare: house; pāina: to warm oneself |
House to warm oneself |
Wharepapa |
whare: house; papa: flat |
House flats |
Wharepoa |
whare: house: poa: smouldering or smoking |
Smouldering house |
Whareponga |
whare: house; ponga: tree-fern |
Tree-fern house |
Wharerātā |
whare: house; rātā: native tree |
House among the rātā trees |
Whatamangō |
whata: elevated food store: mangō (the same word as makō): shark |
A stage for storing dried shark flesh |
Whatatutu |
whata: elevated food platform; tutu: native tree or bush |
Storage platform among the tutu bushes |
Whatawhata |
whata: elevated food platform |
Elevated food platforms |
Whatitiri |
whatitiri: thunder |
Thunder |
Whatiwhatihoe |
whatiwhati: to break in pieces; hoe: paddle |
Paddle broken into pieces |
Whau |
whau: a native tree |
Whau tree |
Whāwhārua |
whāwhā: to feel about; rua: pit |
Grope about in kūmara pit |
Whenuahōu |
whenua: land; hōu: new |
New land |
Whenuakite |
whenua: land; kite: discover |
Discovered land |
Whenuakura |
whenua: land; kura: red |
Red land |
Whetūkura |
whetū: star; kura: red |
Red star |
Whitianga |
whitianga: the crossing |
The crossing (of a river) |
Whitikau |
whiti: to cross; kau: to wade |
Wade across |