What happened that day?

Kiwi of the Week

  • vincent-aspey-biography.jpg

    Vincent Aspey

    When nine-year-old Vincent Aspey persuaded his mother to buy a violin he had spotted in a second-hand shop she was dubious that he would practice, let alone come to be described as ‘synonymous with orchestral development in New Zealand’.

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Parachuting Santa crashes in Auckland Domain

1937 Parachuting Santa crashes in Auckland Domain

George Sellars narrowly escaped serious injury when he was able to sway his parachute just in time to avoid crashing through the glass roof of the Winter Gardens during the Farmers' Christmas parade. more...

Mass murder in the Bay of Islands

1841 Mass murder in the Bay of Islands

Maketū Wharetōtara, the 17-year-old son of the Ngāpuhi chief Ruhe, killed five people at Motuarohia in the Bay of Islands. In March 1842 he became the first person to be legally executed in this country. more...