Pages tagged with: vietnam war

Memorial to Flight Lieutenant William (Bill) Waterhouse who was killed in a training accident in Canberra while preparing for service in South Vietnam
On Anzac Day 1963, a six-strong New Zealand civilian surgical team arrived in Qui Nhon, South Vietnam as part of the Colombo Plan assistance programme. Their deployment marked the beginning of New Zealand’s involvement in the Vietnam War.
A 1965 news coverage of the activities of New Zealanders in South-East Asia
The end of the Vietnam War shifted the focus of the Cold War away from Asia and New Zealand's need for ‘forward defence’ diminished. These changes, together with the anti-Vietnam War movement, ushered in a new era of debate about Cold War policies and New Zealand’s place in the world.
iew of the crowd of about 4,500 anti Vietnam war protestors gathered in Cuba Street outside the Wellington Town Hall, 1 May 1971
Tuapa war memorial in Niue
Like all the services the RNZN faced difficulties of readjustment to peacetime conditions, not only in drastically reducing numbers but also in determining the shape of the post-war fleet
‘Kiwi Keith’ Holyoake, the first officially designated deputy PM (1954) was our third-longest serving leader.Although criticised for sending troops to the Vietnam War, he is now seen as ‘the most dovish of the hawks’, doing the bare minimum to keep America happy.
A selection of the key events in New Zealand history from 1966
A selection of the key events in New Zealand history from 1965
Battle damaged M16A1 automatic rifle belonging to Captain Peter Williams, 161 Battery, Royal New Zealand Artillery.
Flag used by Victor 4 (V4) Company during their deployment in South Vietnam, 1969-1970.
Homemade Viet Cong fragmentation grenade made from a soft drink can with a short bamboo handle attached.
Crude homemade 9mm single shot pistol used by Viet Cong troops for defence inside tunnel complexes.
Chinese made Type 50 sub-machine gun used by Chinese and North Korean troops during the Korean War, and supplied to the North Vietnamese Army during the early stages of the Vietnam War.
Representatives from the Army, Navy and Airforce can be seen holding their puppy mascots in Vietnam.
A New Zealand infantry patrol preparing for the Vietnam War boards a helicopter at Waiouru.
New Zealand troops loading an L5 howitzer into an M113 armoured personnel carrier in Vietnam
Classroom activity ideas for Tribute08 and New Zealand's participation in the Vietnam War
Mascots we would like more information about, mainly from post-Second World War conflicts
