Pages tagged with: united tribes

Riria Hotere discusses a United Tribes flag held in the Te Papa collection.
Protester with tino rangatiratanga flag at hikoi during the New Zealand foreshore and seabed controversy.
This medal commemorating the early part of the South African War features the 1834  United Tribes flag
United Tribes flagThe idea of a flag to represent New Zealand was first broached in 1830, when the Hokianga-built trading ship Sir George Murray was seized in Sydney by Customs officials for sailing without a flag or register. Australia, New Zealand's major trading market, was subject to British navigation laws which ruled that every ship must carry an official certificate detailing construction, ownership and nationality of the ship. At that time, New Zealand was not yet a British colony and New Zealand-built ships could not sail under a British flag or register.
An outline of how to use the feature Taming the frontier? in history and social studies
At a hui (meeting) at Waitangi on 28 October 1835 called by James Busby, 34 northern chiefs who were to become known as the Confederation of United Tribes signed 'A Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand' and asked King William IV of Britain to be their 'parent' and 'Protector'.
See some of the key events between 1800 and 1849 relating to the Treaty of Waitangi.
A version of the United Tribes' ensign copied from a plate in an 1845 book of flags
The selection of the flag of the United Tribes of New Zealand as New Zealand's first flag