Pages tagged with: treaty of waitangi

In the period between the first European landings and the First World War, New Zealand was transformed from an exclusively Māori world into one in which Pākehā dominated numerically, politically, socially and economically.
The Treaty of Waitangi, one of New Zealand's founding documents, was signed here on 6 February 1840 by Māori chiefs and representatives of the British Crown.
The Queen meets the Māori Queen, Dame Te Arikinui Te Ātairangikaahu, in 1995
Bishop William Williams, c. 1875.
Video about Ngāti Whātua's occupation of Bastion Point in Auckland during the late 1970s
Portrait photograph of Hone Heke Ngapua, circa 1904.
Te Aitanga-a-Mahaki leader Riperata Kahutia, who fought to protect and consolidate the lands of her people.
The Native Land Court was one of the key products of the 1865 Native Lands Act. It converted traditional communal landholdings into individual titles, making it easier for Pākehā to purchase Māori land.
Donald McLean had a long career as government official, politician and provincial superintendent. Fluent in Maori, he played a key role in relations between the races in New Zealand.
Henry Williams was a missionary who supported British annexation. He believed that Maori should be protected from lawless Europeans and fraudulent dealings. He and his son Edward translated the Treaty of Waitangi into Maori.
Colenso arrived at the Bay of Islands as the Church Mission printer in December 1834. His achievements include printing the New Testamont in Maori and the Maori version of the Treaty of Waitangi.
William Spain was a land commissioner who investigated the New Zealand Company's claims that it had purchased 20 million acres in 1839. The claims were not settled until several years after Spain's death
Edinburgh-born James Busby was British Resident, a consular representative, in New Zealand from 1833. Based at Waitangi in the Bay of Islands, he was given little material support to achieve British policy aims, but in early 1840 he helped William Hobson draft the Treaty of Waitangi.
Biography of Thomas Bunbury gathered signatures for the Treaty of Waitangi in the South Island and Steward Island.
Politician, journalist and historian Thomas Buick produced a&#160; biography of Te Rauparaha before publishing his best known and most important book, <i>The Treaty of Waitangi</i>, in 1914
After a lengthy Royal Navy career in which he saw action in the Napoleonic Wars and was twice captured by pirates in the Caribbean, William Hobson (1792-1842) became New Zealand's first Governor.
Biography of Christian missionary Henare Matene Te Whiwhi
Chief of Ngati Maru and Ngati Tama-Te-Ra who refused to sign the Treaty of Waitangi
Photograph of the Ngāpuhi chief Tāmati Waka Nene.
