Pages tagged with: transport

The English baroque Ferry Building at the bottom of Queen Street became Auckland's front door.
The Auckland Harbour Bridge encouraged so much vehicle traffic across the Waitematā that it had to be widened within a decade of opening.
This road near Wellington was the first road to be registered by the Historic Places Trust.
A group of women at the opening of the Lyttelton road tunnel on 27 February 1964.
New Zealand's worst railway disaster occurred 60 years ago on Christmas Eve 1953, when the Wellington–Auckland night express plunged into the swollen Whangaehu River near Tangiwai. Of the 285 people on board, 151 were killed. The tragedy stunned the world and left a nation in mourning.
Powered by Ww571, a freight train carrying timber and coal crosses Chasm Creek bridge in December 1968
A few months after the last steam locomotives had been withdrawn from this country's scheduled rail operations, New Zealand Railways launched a new tourist-oriented steam passenger venture in the South Island.
The Christchurch-Dunedin overnight express, headed by a JA-class locomotive, ran the last scheduled steam-hauled service on New Zealand Railways, bringing to an end 108 years of regular steam rail operations in this country.
The last sailing of the Rangatira brought to an end more than 80 years of regular passenger ferry services between Lyttelton and Wellington.
Politicians used the ferries to travel between their electorates and Wellington, so they scrutinised the Union Steam Ship Company's management of the ships.
As inter-island passengers switched from trains to private cars in the 1960s, the Maori was converted to a roll-on roll-off ferry, loading vehicles through a stern door.
Opened on 2 July 1938, the Johnsonville suburban line was the first in the country to be served by electric multiple units.
Premier Julius Vogel's great plan was to borrow heavily to build infrastructure and to lure migrants. It was controversial, but the money and migrants stimulated the economy and created a viable consumer market for producers.
Crossing Cook Strait is often idyllic, but it can be one of the world’s roughest stretches of water as it's part of the westerly wind belt known as the Roaring Forties.
The old fable about the tortoise and the hare was replayed on Cook Strait as fast ferries offered travellers a quick dash across the ditch.
Cook Strait ferries were vital to the flow of freight and passengers between the North and South islands, and  interruptions because of bad weather, mechanical problems or strikes and lockouts inevitably hit the headlines.
From 'puke' green to funnells sprouting ferns, the ferries' branding and appearance have had many changes.
In the 1960s, the ferries' food and services fell short of the glossy ads, but now they are more upmarket.
Before 1962 rail struggled to compete with ships for inter-island business, but the road/rail ferries changed that.
On a fine, calm day ‘Cruising on the Interislander’ can be like a luxury Mediterranean cruise. But on a bad day Cook Strait can be one of the world's roughest stretches of water: seasickness, dodgy food and wildcat strikes have all been part of the colourful Cook Strait ferry story.
