Pages tagged with: new zealand wars

An early missionary and linguist, William Williams later came to criticise the government's dealings during the New Zealand Wars.
Although he spent only six years in this country, the adventurous soldier Gustavus Ferdinand von Tempsky was one of 19th-century New Zealand's most colourful characters.
Gustavus Ferdinand von Tempsky in the uniform of the Armed Constabulary, circa 1868.
On 23 October 1965 a concrete memorial cairn commemorating the battle of Tītī Hill fought on 23 Oct 1863
Memorial to NZ Wars soldiers in St John's Anglican Church in Drury
New Zealand Wars memorial lychgate at All Saints Anglican Church in Howick
Part of the site of the most important battle of the New Zealand Wars has been preserved.
This Te Ātiawa pā system was more than a match for British firepower and tactics during the First Taranaki War.
Pukerangiora Pā, high above the Waitara River, was besieged several times in the 19th century.
In the period between the first European landings and the First World War, New Zealand was transformed from an exclusively Māori world into one in which Pākehā dominated numerically, politically, socially and economically.
This wall was built by Māori labourers to protect British troops in the event of a raid on Auckland by anti-government Māori.
The memorial to Taitoko Keepa Te Rangihiwinui (Major Kemp) which stands in Moutoa Gardens (Pākaitore), Whanganui.
The last battle of the Waikato War began when the spearhead of a 1200-strong British force charged an apparently weak Māori position at Ōrākau, south-east of Te Awamutu.
Near the Mana Cruising Club in Ngatitoa Domain are the remains of the Paremata barracks, a turreted two-storey stone structure built on Governor Grey’s instructions in 1846.
Painting of Te Rauparaha's Taupō pā by George Angas, painted in 1844.
Samuel Brees painting of the now destroyed Maraenuku pā in Lower Hutt
Map showing the location of key sites from the 1846 War in Wellington
Memorial to the battle of Moturoa unveiled on 7 November 1993, the 125th anniversary of the battle.
From 1866 George Whitmore became substantively involved in the New Zealand wars, leading the colonial forces in no fewer than seven distinct campaigns against an incursive Hauhau force, Te Kooti and Titokowaru’s forces.
This memorial commemorates Ōtāhuhu settler and Franklin MHR Colonel Marmaduke George Nixon, who commanded the Colonial Defence Force Cavalry during the Waikato War and died from a wound received at the battle of Rangiaowhia in 1864.
