Pages tagged with: conscription

Mark Briggs objected to taking part in the First World War on socialist grounds. He was arrested and became one of fourteen conscientious objectors forcibly deported to Europe and sent to military camps.
Archibald Baxter's memoir, We will not cease, is a powerful account of dissent and its consequences, and has become a classic of New Zealand literature.
Mehmetçik – ‘Little Mehmet’ – was an affectionate Turkish nickname for Ottoman (Turkish) soldiers.
Biography of Te Puea Hērangi, granddaughter of the second Māori King. Te Puea was a prominent advocate for Tainui in the first half of the twentieth century.
Film of the first ballot under the 1916 Military Service Act, which introduced conscription during the First World War.
In 1916 conscription for military service was introduced to maintain New Zealand's supply of reinforcements. More than 30,000 conscripts had joined the New Zealand Expeditionary Force by the end of the war.
This poster announces the requirement to enrol in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force and the consequences of failure to do so.
In his recruitment waiata, 'Te ope tuatahi', Ngata made it clear that the replacement recruits that he and his colleagues had raised all came from the East Coast tribes of Mahaki, Hauiti, Ngati Porou, Te Arawa and Kahungunu.
New Zealand played a small but useful part in the British Empire's war effort, and its essential war aim was achieved with the defeat of Germany and its allies in late 1918. New Zealand's security, both physical and economic, was ensured by the victory.
Peter Fraser's trial at the Wellington Magistrates' Court was the sequel to an anti-conscription speech. A number of union leaders were charged with the same crime. Fraser was convicted and served 12 months in gaol.
The Census and Statistics Office Military Service Section, 1917.