Pages tagged with: aunt daisy

Maud Basham, also known as Aunt Daisy, was famous as the host of a radio show focused on domesticity. Upon the success of the broadcasts, she wrote accompanying cook books, and was awarded an MBE in 1956. 

Maud Basham, also known as Aunt Daisy, was famous as the host of a radio show focused on domesticity
Radio broadcast of Aunt Daisy
Aunt Daisy gives her Beetroot Chutney recipe in this recording from a February 1950, ZB morning show.
A house and garden on a patch of land were part of the 'New Zealand dream' for most of the twentieth century.
New Zealand is an island nation. Its inland and coastal waters support fish and shellfish in abundance.
Tea was a 'great mainstay' of 'thirsty colonial New Zealand', the food historian Tony Simpson claims.