I think the difference with the numbers might be because we have included students who died later from wounds - see this page for a break down of the figures. (I am happy to double check this, but I understand the figures were compiled in consultation with the College.)
It would not be possible to have an accurate map of where they died in Belgium as often this was not known.
The point of this map is really just to give some idea of the impact on people at home - what it would be like to have that many kids from your school killed in such a short period of time and the impact this would have on not only the school but families and neighbourhoods as well.
It would be good if your teachers could contact us directly if they are concerned with the accuracy of information on our site - this way we can make any changes should they be required. They can email us at info@nzhistory.net.nz
Jamie Mackay
Web Editor
03 Nov 2008