Hocken Library
. Includes Friends
of the Hocken section - articles relating to the library's collections
and useful bibliographic reference lists on a range of historical subjects
ranging from a history of the New Zealand Navy to sources for genealogists.
Articles provided in pdf format only.
Te Waimano - a site developed
by the National and Alexander Turnbull Libraries. It includes samples from
the libraries' pictorial, manuscript, video, and sound collections which have
been selected in fifty year slices starting from 1750. A great feature of
the site is the internal navigation system which allows you to pick exactly
which period, place and general subject area you want material on. The site
has been optimised for those with Internet Explorer 4+ and the latest versions
of Flash
and Quick Time.
New Zealand Historic Places Trust
site. Includes the NZ Historic
Places Trust Register - this holds Register entries for about 1,000 historic
structures, historic areas, and wahi tapu - covering all the Trust's Category
I historic places and some Category II. Some records associated with these
register entries are displayed: there are photos and reports for many places,
and in some instances there are very detailed reports. The database is searchable
in a variety of ways including by region, by building type, by architect and
by date of construction. The Trust will be adding new register entries, records
and photographs every couple of months.
PHANZA (Professional Historians' Association
of New Zealand/Aotearoa). Includes contract and funding information for 'feral'
historians and for those wanting histories written.
Writerfind.com -
run by New Zealand Writing Professionals Online - a central information site
for NZ writers - includes a database of budding scribes divided by categories
(see editing/research for history writers).