Area of operations in South Vietnam, 1965-1972. Places New Zealanders served included:
Bong Son
The 1st New Zealand Services Medical Team was based at Bong Son in Binh Dinh province from April 1967 until December 1971. It treated civilian casualties of war and accident cases, and helped train Vietnamese nursing staff.
Qui Nhon
New Zealand's initial assistance to Vietnam was the civilian New Zealand Surgical Team, which operated from Binh Dinh province hospital in Qui Nhon from April 1963 until March 1975. Initially six-strong, it expanded to 14 in 1966. The team treated civilian war casualties and accident victims, and helped train Vietnamese nursing staff.
Dong Ba Thin
In March 1972, the 2nd New Zealand Army Training Team Vietnam (2NZATTV) arrived at Dong Ba Thin, near Cam Ranh Bay on the south-east coast. The team helped train Khmer Republic (Cambodian) infantry battalions in weapons use, tactics and first aid, and provided technical assistance. Together with the earlier 1st New Zealand Army Training Team Vietnam (1NZATTV), 2NZATTV was withdrawn from Vietnam in December 1972,
Bien Hoa
161 Battery RNZA was the first New Zealand combat unit to go to Vietnam, in July 1965. Originally attached to the US 173rd Airborne Brigade at Bien Hoa air base, it joined the 1st Australian Task Force at Nui Dat in Phuoc Tuy province in June 1966. Initially limited to four guns, the battery was increased to the usual six guns in July 1966 and withdrawn from Vietnam in May 1971.
Nui Dat
The 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) was based at Nui Dat in Phuoc Tuy province. 161 Battery RNZA moved here in June 1966. In May 1967, V (Victor) Company 1RNZIR arrived in South Vietnam from Malaysia, followed by W (Whiskey) Company in December. Based at Nui Dat, the infantry companies operated primarily within Phuoc Tuy province (now Ba Ria province). 4 Troop NZSAS was also based at Nui Dat from December 1968 until February 1971. Attached to an Australian SAS Squadron, it carried out intelligence-gathering and ambush operations.
Vung Tau
New Zealand personnel served with the 1st Australian Logistic Support Group based at Vung Tau. RNZAF helicopter pilots attached to 9 Squadron RAAF carried troops to battle, flew helicopter gunships and directed artillery fire. New Zealand Forward Air Controllers sometimes also flew from Vung Tau. Based at the 1st Australian Field Hospital, New Zealand military nurses and Red Cross volunteers cared for soldiers and Vietnamese civilians.
Chi Lang
In January 1971, the 1st New Zealand Training Team Vietnam (1NZATTV) arrived at the National Training Centre at Chi Lang, in the Mekong Delta near the Cambodian border. The team helped train South Vietnamese platoon commanders in tactics and small-arms techniques. Together with the later 2nd New Zealand Army Training Team Vietnam (2NZATTV), 1NZATTV was withdrawn from Vietnam in December 1972.
A small group of New Zealanders, including the commander of V (Vietnam) Force, were based in Saigon. V Force Headquarters was located in the compound of the International Military Assistance Office. New Zealand troops also guarded the New Zealand embassy from 1967. After the fall of Saigon in 1975, it was renamed Ho Chi Minh City.
Thu Dau Mot
The New Zealand Army Detachment (NEWZAD) arrived in South Vietnam in June 1964 and was based at Thu Dau Mot in Binh Duong province. An engineer detachment, it was engaged in reconstruction and development projects until withdrawn in July 1965.
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