Nireaha war memorial

Nireaha war memorial

Nireaha war memorial.

Nireaha memorial

Nireaha memorial

Nireaha memorial

The local Member of Parliament, G.R. Sykes, and Colonel A.H. Herbert, of Eketāhuna, formally opened the Nireaha war memorial library on 9 January 1924. The library building, situated in the Nireaha Domain, had the appearance of a small roughcast bungalow.

The  roll of honour installed in the porch was headed: 1914-1918 / IN HONOUR OF THE MEN / WHO LEFT NIREAHA AND DISTRICT FOR THE FRONT. / - / ERECTED BY "THE NIREAHA GIRLS' CLUB". There followed 43 names, including the names of 12 men who had died).

A second roll of honour with 39 names (one death) was erected after World War II. Some years later a small plaque with two names from the Vietnam War was added. 

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