Motueka war memorial

Motueka war memorial Motueka war memorial Motueka war memorial Motueka war memorial Motueka war memorial Motueka war memorial Motueka war memorial

Motueka war memorial.

Site Style Ornamentation Unveiling Date No of Dead
Sports ground Square obelisk    1922 32

Community contributions

5 comments have been posted about Motueka war memorial

What do you know?

Debbie Farrell

Posted: 26 Apr 2015

I am looking to research my Great Uncle D'arcy Reynolds SIMPSON Poole Street Motueka born 1919.
My mother said he was in the Air Force and went to war and that he was shot down but do not know any other details. Mr Grand Mother was Mime Veronica Mallard nee Simpson. My Grand father was William (Bill) Mallard brother of Colin Mallard and Uncle to Trevor Mallard MP. There was a reunion of the Simpsons in Motueka in about 1972. I would like any information please.


Posted: 09 Jul 2014

Quite a bit of information about the Motueka War Memorial and
Motueka Memorial Hall can be found in the Motueka Historical Assn. Journal, Vol 8, "And So it Began: Further Stories of Motueka Through the Years", pub. 2013. Copies are held by the Motueka Library or can be purchased through the Motueka District Museum (email: [email protected])

Coincidentally there is also a section on the history of the Quayle family in Motueka in this same volume.


Posted: 24 May 2009

Hi Philip You can find some information on the Cenotaph record for George Harold Quayle There are a number of other Quayles on this database too.

Philip John Quayle

Posted: 23 May 2009

Iwould like to find outabout G.h.Quayle rifle brigade 56469 rfm.Died 22-9-1960. Motueka.I would like to no how his parntes were as most of the Quayles there are my family.Thank you. Philip Quayle