Invercargill cenotaph

Invercargill cenotaph, c1986.

Detail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorialDetail from the memorial

Invercargill cenotaph and panels showing names, 2008.

Site Style Ornamentation Unveiling Date No of Dead
Park/gardens Cenotaph Soldier, urn,
wreath, crown,

Community contributions

4 comments have been posted about Invercargill cenotaph

What do you know?


Posted: 28 Aug 2012

Dear Betty. Generally it was up to families to send in the names of the men of the district who had been killed for inclusion on the memorial. This means that not everyone is going to be listed.
By the way, you can download Ira Evans's service record here (Archway). Regards, Jamie Mackay

Betty Snell

Posted: 05 Aug 2012

My uncle. I R Evans (Ira Rubel Evans 9/2065) was killed on the 14th July 1916 on the Somme but his name does not appear on the cenotaph. He was born and lived at Longbush and he is buried at Cite Bonjean Cemetery, Armentieres. He was originally a trooper but died as a private. Can anyone explain why has name is not there?


Posted: 09 Dec 2011

Hi Allan,
You can see his name on the 8th image up from the bottom - here is a direct url:

branks allan

Posted: 09 Dec 2011

I am concernd that my uncles name isnt on the cenotaph in Invercagill. im sure it was there. I was shown it as a boy his name is Branks, Allan Ernest, Sergeant, number 13185, I gather he was in the desert ww2 ambulance core. Thanks.