Memorial to the 15 victims of a bus crash at Brynderwyn, between Whangarei and Wellsford, on 7 February 1963. The memorial stone was unveiled on 7 February 2003 by descendants of those who died.
Translation of the plaque above:
He whakamaharatanga tēnei mō te matenga hinepōuri o ngā tūpuna i te 7 o Pepuere 1963.
This is a memorial to the tragic deaths of our loved ones on 7 February 1963.
He pahi aituā i taka i konei i te hokinga mai i te rā whakahirahira o te Tirīti o Waitangi
In an accident a bus fell here on the return from attending Waitangi Day.
Kei raro iho ngā rārangi ingoa
The names of those who died are listed below [see next image].
Huraina tēnei kōhatu i te 7 o Pepuere 2003 Nā ngā uri whakatipu
This stone was unveiled on 7 February 2003 by the descendants of those who died.
I ngā ringaringa o Ihoa koutou e moe
You now slumber in the arms of the Lord.
Community contributions