Pages tagged with: conscientious objection

Archibald Baxter's memoir, We will not cease, is a powerful account of dissent and its consequences, and has become a classic of New Zealand literature.
Archibald Baxter became New Zealand's most renowned conscientious objector of the First World War
Ormond Burton was a Methodist minister and prominent pacifist who developed anti-war views after serving in the First World War.
Image of prominent pacifist Ormond Burton, probably taken in 1921 when he graduated with an MA from Auckland University College
The last page of a censored letter sent from conscientious objector Merv Browne at Hautu Dentention Camp to Marjorie Clark, his future wife.
Wilhelmina Bain was a feminist and peace activist who gained notoriety for her outspoken views against New Zealand’s participation in the South African War.
Peter Fraser was prime minister of New Zealand during the Second World War and minister in charge of the Maori war effort from April 1943.
This photograph of Tainui–Waikato leader Te Kirihaehae Te Puea Herangi was taken about 1938.
This poster announces the requirement to enrol in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force and the consequences of failure to do so.
Cover of We will not cease: the autobiography of a conscientious objector by Archibald Baxter First published in 1939 by Victor Gollanez, this 1968 edition is by Caxton Press, and it includes an additional foreword by the author.
Maori served in the First World War in the Native Contingent. At home, there was some strong Maori opposition to conscription.
Pacifists and Christian socialists opposed the war on moral or religious grounds.
Many socialist and labour leaders criticised the First World War as an imperialist war and strongly opposed conscription. New Zealand workers, they argued, had no quarrel with German workers.
The Military Service Act 1916 allowed limited exemption from service. Men who were exempted had to be prepared to provide alternative non-combatant service in New Zealand or overseas.
There are always supporters and opponents of a country fighting a war. Over 2500 conscientious objectors lost their civil rights in New Zealand for refusing to serve in the First World War.
Peter Fraser's trial at the Wellington Magistrates' Court was the sequel to an anti-conscription speech. A number of union leaders were charged with the same crime. Fraser was convicted and served 12 months in gaol.
Wilhelmina Sherriff Bain was one of a few feminists vehemently opposed to the South African War.
Conscientious objectors, behind a barbed wire fence at Hautu Detention Camp, November 1943
Merle Hyland and Archibald Charles Barrington stand beside the 'Peace Caravan', a car covered in anti-war slogans, c.1946. Barrington was a prominent peace campaigner and wartime conscientious objector.
Interview with prominent conscientious objector, Archibald Barrington